"this war is totally about NATO defending innocent Ukrainians from Russia," cries NATO, as it deports innocent Ukrainians back to the war zone. And here's the kicker: The Ukrainian government needs them to do this, because it's nearly run out of military age males to draft human traffick into mine fields with insufficient training who are still in the country.

thinkin-lenin what if revolutionary defeatism? what if no war but class war? what if the ukrainian proletariat doesn't deserve to be used as meat shields for the preemptive geopolitical jockeying of NATO against BRICS?

Some forced conscription videos


Zelensky admits it is in US interests to use Ukraine

  • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Fun fact: that's a breach of their human rights. You can't extradite refugees so they will be drafted into war.

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      Capitalism only believes in inconsistently enforced "human rights," and asymmetrically enforced "human rights," which are able to be withdrawn at a moment's noticed by so-called "representatives". And they only believe in these insofar as they can be used as a sort of social sedative against revolutionary agitation.

      • LeZero [he/him]
        10 months ago

        So far I have mostly seen "human rights" being used as a cudgel by western powers against others nations, while conveniently ignored when concerning vassal countries (Blowback s4 is great btw)

    • Adkml [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Well not exactly they'll just say any evidence of it is Ruzzian disinformatzia and anybody who posts it is just a republican and not engage with it at all.

  • hexaflexagonbear [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Lmao kyiv independent "well acshually 🤓"d this:

    Ukrainians evading conscription abroad may be extradited "individually" but there will be no "mass extradition," Fedir Venislavsky, President Voldymyr Zelensky's representative in the Verkhovna Rada, said on Sept. 5.

    Venislavsky said that legally there is no procedure for the mass extradition of Ukrainian citizens from abroad as criminal liability has a personalized individual character.

    On Sept. 4, Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita published an article saying that men who illegally left Ukraine may be extradited to their homeland.


    Likely because it's a news, but on google it's above the UN's page if you google whether this is legal.

    • IceWallowCum [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Uhm, it's not mass deportation, it's thousands of individual deportations. What don't you get about this, tankie? maybe-later-kiddo

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      Ukraine cut loose prisoners with military experience to throw them into the grinder very early on in this war lol

      I'm surprised it took them this long to request something like this

      • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        B-b-b-but I thought only the ebul rooskies were recruiting prisoners!!1!1! That's what all my reliable news sources The New York Times, Azov's The Stormer, and The Kyiv Only Truth No Propaganda Here have told me!!!1!1!

  • jackmarxist [any]
    10 months ago

    NATO has also made sure that Ukrainian people can't revolt against this anymore by arming ultra nationalist Nazis to the teeth.

  • ewichuu
    9 months ago

    deleted by creator

      • Awoo [she/her]
        10 months ago

        I think there's an important difference here between capitalist and socialist uses. The bourgeoise state vs proletarian state. One is in service of the bourgeoisie while one is in service of the proletariat. One is in service of exploitation while one is in service of liberation from exploitation.