liberals will defend this

liberals will oppose this

  • ratboy [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Nimby's will complain about needles and feces on sidewalks, but when you suggest giving someone a studio where they could use drugs and shit outside of the public eye. They say "Not on my dime!"

    My brother in Christ, your dime is paying to move what you are complaining about to the other side of the block!! Nothing is going away, nothing is getting solved! It makes me want to pull my hair out so much.

    Obviously homelessness is much more complex than how I described it above but sometimes I try to think of ways to explain shit that will appeal to libs/assholes (as I did above) but even then they just....don't care.

    Recently, a houseless woman's belongings were trashed during sweeps. With them were her daughters' ashes.

    cw stats on abuse

    I saw someone on reddit say about homeless people without social supports: "if you have absolutely no friends or family that's a YOU problem". How can. People be so fucking dense?

    50+ percent of homeless people have been part of the foster care system

    20 percent of foster youth who age out transition directly to homelessness

    38 percent of homeless youth under the age of 18 experienced sexual abuse that contributed to their homelessness

    90+ percent of homeless women have been sexually abused in their lifetimes

    It's been proven that early childhood trauma impacts the likelihood of schizophrenia in adults

    Yet when you shove all of the facts in their face, it's just another goalpost to move. Ugh

    • VILenin [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Literally yesterday I saw a white kid pissing next to a tree on a busy street in San Francisco. Nobody cared, not even the pigs parked right there on the street. I have a feeling that “but the shitting and pissing” is just a smokescreen for liberals’ desire for a final solution.

      • ratboy [they/them]
        1 year ago

        Absolutely! And they will absolutely go mask off about it all on the internet, too. I've seen the most vile, horrible things said about houseless people on local subreddits. It has nothing to do with rationality, economics, ethics, accountability; they just want people disappeared.

        • VILenin [he/him]
          1 year ago

          If you ask them about it they’ll still write you a 10,000 word essay about how it’s ackshually about ethics in street journalism when their entire point can be summed up in 3 words: “kill the minorities”.