• Egon [they/them]
    10 months ago

    Yeah exactly, that's what I mean and I think it's what the dairy Queen dude means as well. He's not saying "me want treats" he's being funny about something stable disappearing.
    Patrick Wyman is great, and that whole series is fantastic. He also talks about this gradual change - people travelling less, less food getting exported, less Military security. you rely more on the local mercenaries, after some time. They settle in. Your dad remembers his trip to Napoli still and your grandma was actually Spanish but met your granddad while he was stationed in Iberia, while you've never left your province

    • PZK [he/him]
      10 months ago

      I don't know if he means well, but whether he is accidentally correct by whining about treats or he is giving a relatable example, he is right on the money.

      Rather amusingly, treats are pivotal to both the economy and the culture of America. A Wendy's closing in America could actually be a sign of decline. data-laughing