The game is aggressively Bethesda but I'm enjoying the visuals and sniffing the 3d model of every insignificant bit of detritis in the world. I saw a very nice looking bowl, maybe THE bowl of all videogames. Other than that the narrative and main story has already lost my interest after about 10 minutes and I'll be off being a space menace if the game will let me.

Once i found out I can travel using the ship in scanner mode it doesn't feel like a map simulator anymore.

Also the chef having a perk for dueling tickles me.

Game also runs like shit on PC but digital foundry showed most settings being on medium yields good performance with no noticable quality loss.

  • lurkerlady [she/her]
    1 year ago

    incredibly boring game. you keep feeling like maybe itll get deeper and more interesting but it never does. cyberpunk and baldurs gate at least create vibes and have a somewhat fun storyline to follow.