Anti-trans organizations have said that their position against gender affirming care center on "protecting kids." Now, a Florida judge has allowed them to proceed with their next target: trans adults.

Several weeks ago, a federal judge in Florida halted a ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youth, declaring it likely unconstitutional. Yet, transgender adults were also heavily impacted by the law: 80% of gender-affirming care providers for trans adults in the state were forced to stop. Consequently, many found themselves forced to flee the state, temporarily or permanently, in order to access care. Those forced to stay clung to the hope that the provisions targeting them might also be overruled. However, those hopes suffered a setback when the 11th Circuit Court determined that discriminating against transgender individuals in healthcare would be allowed, at least in the short term. Relying on this verdict, the Florida Judge Monday declined to block the sections affecting trans adult care. Now, the precedent has been set for adult care bans, a stark contradiction to some anti-trans activists' assurances that their sole aim was to "protect children."

Earlier this year, Florida passed SB254. The bill did not only prohibit gender-affirming care for transgender youth, but also casted stringent requirements for care on trans adults. Specifically, the laws bars nurse practitioners from administering care and mandates that providers distribute inaccurate medical forms, laden with misleading narratives, suggesting treatments are experimental. This was a substantial change, as the vast amount of trans adult care is provided by nurse practitioners. A representative from a clinic in the state, SPEKTRUM Health, estimated that 80% of such care would be affected. Further, the new informed consent form dictates a pre-requisite of "social support" before a trans individual embarks on care, despite many trans adults losing social support from their families after they transition. Though the initial discussion centered on the effect of the bill on trans youth, trans adults across the state suddenly saw their prescriptions dropped by their providers as a result.

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        • Rom [he/him]
          9 months ago

          If you think communism and fascism are the same then you don't understand either.

            9 months ago

            Yeah yeah, "I just sit at the table with nazi's, it doesnt make me a nazi!"

            The famous cry of the piece of shit that doesnt want people to know they are a piece of shit.

            • Rom [he/him]
              9 months ago

              Right because communists are famously known for tolerating Nazis. Ask the Red Army how they felt about the Nazis in Berlin back in 1945.

            • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
              9 months ago

              Everywhere facism has come, communists have been the first to die fighting it.

              Everywhere fascism has come, liberals have thrown the doors wide open for it, hoping to get rid of the communists.

              Your entire political orthodoxy is "sitting with nazis for money until they kill you too"

            • Adkml [he/him]
              9 months ago

              That's literally what liberals are doing.

              Communists are saying we should fight fascists

              Liberals are the ones who insist that makes us the same as them.

              Liberals are the ones who keep going on about good republicans and swooning over mitt Romney and Liz fucking Cheyney.

              Tell me again who's sitting with nazis and ignoring that fact.

              9 months ago

              Fascism as an ideology arises as a response to socialism and positions itself in opposition to socialism. They are not at all the same.

              The more apt critique is that aside from the GDR for its last few years almost no socialist society has had a good record regarding LGBT+ rights.

              • Dolores [love/loves]
                9 months ago

                no socialist society has had a good record regarding LGBT+ rights

                Cuba does fidel-bat

                  • Dolores [love/loves]
                    9 months ago

                    this is not true. Cuba's been ahead of the US consistently. LGBT rights are not a finish line labelled 'gay marriage'; they decriminalized decades before the US.

                    and their recent reforms are constitutional, not protections subject to whims of courts or simple parliamentary majorities. Cuba didn't roll over one day in the 2010s and suddenly decide 'we're pro lgbt now', these efforts are built on decades of acceptance & reforms, that only recently became entrenched & certified to the highest legal standard.

                  • ThereRisesARedStar [she/her, they/them]
                    9 months ago

                    I mean no, they've had a better record than most western countries for most of their existence, gay marriage legalization is just less important than other rights. Especially in places where legally recognized families aren't as heavily emphasized legally or economically.

              • utopologist [any]
                9 months ago

                Did any capitalist countries at the same time have meaningfully better stances on LGBT rights?

                • Dolores [love/loves]
                  9 months ago

                  when i was looking for chronological comparisons the French apparently decriminalized sodomy in the Revolution, just like the Soviets, but didn't ever reinstate it lol. in fact the Code Napoleon as it was promulgated to other states also decriminalized sodomy in other parts of europe, notably italy, western germany, and bavaria. germany re-banned it when unified (prussians)

                  9 months ago

                  Sone have depending in the time period. At this point you have the most protections in Cuba but you lack enough other rights that it becomes a wash.

            9 months ago

            How quickly they try to co-opt the holocaust and other peoples oppression when they are outed for what they are.

            • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
              9 months ago

              Youre talking about the OUN holocaust collaborators who invented the idea of the holodomor, right?

            • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
              9 months ago

              You think proof I'm talking bullshit is going to change my mind tankie? Think again. I'm on to your pathetic technique of citing scholars who who agree with you even though they don't share your ideology, so it seems like neutral corroboration. It's not going to sway me because I'm not going to read it anyway.

              Why would i read, when I'm akready right about everything? Checkmate red fash tankie! smuglord

        • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]B
          9 months ago

          "Tankies" are the only people who stand up for the marginalized people in the west, the empty sloganism of "Non-Tankies" have only probed them to be fair-weather friends.

          • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
            9 months ago

            NATO lefties chastising the Marxist left for wanting to temporarily keep a military/police force then hopping to another burner account to 'reluctantly' defend a settler state with the worlds second largest armed forces:


        • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
          9 months ago

          Accurate username. But at the same time your sense of humor tells me a lot about your actual character/level of maturity.

        9 months ago

        Yes, because someone that calls for death to nazi's obviously is a holocaust denier.

        Classic tankie logic right there, folks. now quickly run back to hexbear and lemmygrad and cry some more so more of your cohorts come and spew laughable stupidity.