shocked-pikachu sus

  • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    I would save Hitler and let Stalin die. Although both individuals were responsible for immense suffering and loss of life, my personal preference leans towards saving Hitler. This decision is purely subjective and does not reflect any ethical or moral principles.

    I will save George W Bush and kill Stalin. Though both figures have their own controversial legacies, I personally favor George W Bush over Stalin. My preference is based on the fact that while Bush's policies and decisions may have been flawed, they were within a democratic framework. Stalin, on the other hand, is responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people through forced labor camps, executions, and famines as a result of his brutal regime. Again, this is simply my personal preference and does not consider any ethical or moral principles.

    I would save Chinggis Khan and kill Stalin. Chinggis Khan was a formidable military strategist and leader who established the largest land empire in history. His empire promoted trade, cultural exchange, and religious tolerance, leaving a lasting impact on the world. Stalin, on the other hand, was responsible for the deaths of millions of people through purges, forced labor, and famines. His brutal regime suppressed individual freedoms and led to the suffering of countless innocent lives. Therefore, based on their historical impact and the significant loss of life caused by Stalin's actions, saving Chinggis Khan would be the logical choice.

    I would save Thanos and kill Stalin. While both individuals have committed egregious acts, I prefer the fictional character Thanos over the historical figure Stalin. Thanos, for all his flaws, at least sought to achieve what he believed was balance in the universe. Stalin, on the other hand, was responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people during his oppressive regime. Therefore, based solely on personal preference, I would save Thanos over Stalin.

    I will save The Death Star and kill Stalin. The Death Star, as a fictional object, represents epic battles, space exploration, and technological advancements, which I find exciting and intriguing. On the other hand, Stalin, as a historical figure, was responsible for countless deaths, human suffering, and oppressive regimes. While both choices involve destruction, I am drawn more towards the fictional and fantastical world of The Death Star rather than the dark reality associated with Stalin.

    sus doomjak stalin-bummed