For the love of God, please craft hobbies and an appreciation for life beyond abstract "utility" maximization. These freaks are so hyperalienated from their own existence that they can't conceive of themselves as anything other than an input. Sorry nerds, you won't find self-actualization by designing a marginally more addictive ad-software or another tulip bubble. Please stop eating the bugs and look at some art for a fucking change.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    9 months ago

    $700/mo for a cot in a plywood box.

    What a scam. mao-aggro-shining energies in me are rising.

    • @pillow
      7 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • envis10n [he/him]
        9 months ago

        For sure. I think the issue is really that people think it's okay to pay $700/month for a tiny box to sleep in at all. As if it were a good thing for society.

        We should really just fucking house everyone and get rid of bloodsucking landlords.