Hasan is a saint trying his best to make a capitalist understand why capitalism = bad.
He’s not gonna get it, bro. It’s not in his materialist interest.
TBH, Hasan is also not the best debater but every other “socialist” debatebro is a PatSoc chud so I don’t think they’ll do a better job.
He used to be better, but I think because Twitch as a platform allows you to ramble on and on, and you only have to respond to a chat which of course has a much harder time communicating, it worsens your debate skills over time.
This is not a debate. This is a podcast between friends.
This episode focused on this topic specifically because they went off the rails last week discussing China and Taiwan. I feel Ethan is actually trying to learn, or could be being adversarial to further the conversation, filling time, or most likely, a combination of these possibilities.
What is the Socratic Method?
Yea I do think he's trying to learn, but he obviously has some hangups that he just couldn't see beyond. It was frustrating listening to the "equity" sharing portion, I don't think Hasan did a good job explaining that at all (or maybe his view differs more from mine than I thought, idk)
I posted before I finished the whole thing, it was pretty tough to listen to at the end.
I legit cannot finish it. I have to stop every two mins and argue with imaginary Ethan. It also hurts cuz I like him so aaaaargh.
Watching it in Hasan's offline stream channel made it 10x more palatable, it made me detached enough that I could relax and point and laugh at the liberalism