• Frank [he/him, he/him]
    9 months ago

    Naraka is really hard core. Even the bots are hard to fight. There is a pve mode but it's fairly limited. The people who play it are really dedicated and getting up to the skill floor requires good reflexes and lots of practice. It's more or less a fighting game, in 3d, with grappling hooks and super powers. It's a lot of fun but it takes a lot of buy in.

    • NoYouLogOff [he/him]
      9 months ago

      That sounds awesome, I like verticality and a complexity/difficulty, I just don't want to fight real people almost all of the time. And when pvp is the whole focus, pve stuff tends to feel like an afterthought.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        9 months ago

        You'd have to go look at the different modes. The bot AI uses a lot of perfect parries and other dirty tricks, so the highest AI levels are punishingly difficult even for high level players. At low level, in the US, there isn't enough player pop to populate the servers with 60 people so you end up with a bunch of bots in most matches. There's a really full featured training mode if you just want to download it and mess around. You can try out all the weapons at all quality levels, the AI dummy can be set to be passive, defensive, aggressive, use specific kinds of attacks. It's neat.