Excited to find the western chauvinists in this community.

Edit: Wow apparently the only people on chapo dot chat are whitees unaffected by and benefiting from their imperialism confidently declaring how the perpetrators are to be treated.
Y'all have some nerve

Edit 2:
ITT If you shoot a black kid in the back in downtown Baltimore I want nothing to do with you. If you perfarate an entire back family in Mogadischu or Baghdad that's ok, you did growth and spaces.

  • Coincy [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Considering a popular sentiment in this thread is that we need troop help bc they "know how to fight", how many skills the average US soldiers develops would actually be relevant to the resource scare guerilla war likely to happen in a revolution? As far as I know most grunts don't get much tactics training and even those who do would be used to massive support infrastructures that revolutionaries obviously wouldn't have.

    • KiaKaha [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Being paid to be in shape, being able to fire a gun, and having knowledge of effective command structures would all be useful af.

      Anything on top of that is a bonus, and comes from specialisation. Bomb disposal very quickly can become bomb creation, etc.