• silent_water [she/her]
      9 months ago

      little pussy-assed betas

      ironically, this is itself homophobic as it implies there something wrong with a man on the receiving end of penetrative sex. there's a lot of these verbal tics that we're all taught to throw out at men and women who buck gender and sexual norms that we kind of just need to excise from our language. I'd just call them cowards, fools, and dupes, or something more clever that my sleep-deprived brain can't come up with.

        • silent_water [she/her]
          9 months ago

          It just means weak and cowardly

          just say that instead of drawing an anatomical reference

          opposite of their imaginary "alpha males".

          granting the premise starts off on a misogynistic foot - there's no such thing and you're not going to own them "by their logic" without causing friendly fire.

          and it's their own phrase being used against them.

          an ironic homophobic phrase is still homophobic.