I think a material difference between Iraq (v2 anyway) and Ukraine is that they can keep doing the "well Russia was the aggressor" thing indefinitely even if the reality is more complicated.

also yes obviously some libs are still stubborn about Iraq, the worst ones, but for the most part its generally agreed that the Iraq War was a bad thing.

  • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Very optimistic of you to think it'll take as long as 2034.

    I saw Trump Derangement Syndrome afflicted libs who froth at the mouth and gnash their teeth at the mere mention of his name become reasonable, rational and bipartisan when mention comes up regarding Trump potentially invading Mexico or Venezuela. Adolf Hitler could literally eke out a victory and libs would be ready to set aside their differences when the matter of invading nations the newspaper tells them are bad comes up.