In short, I'm miserable, lonely, and broke. I need to get the fuck out of California and into someplace with rent less than $1000 a month. I also need to find a job that gets me like $25 an hour. I'm good at data entry and formwork and I have a really great voice I have no idea what to do with. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing and I suck ass at all the important parts of being a person, and all the people who try to help me can't help me or I don't get it because I got the full power of the spectrum radiating inside of my forebrain and it's fucking me up.

I've tried budgeting with spreadsheets and it doesn't work for me. I've tried looking for work but it's a brand new hell every time I open the browser. I hate this. I fucking hate that mental illness fucked me up when I was supposed to figure out my life and now that I'm finding a bit of peace within myself I still have to contend with all the things everyone else has to do and recognizes as shitty but somehow get done while I just suck ass at everything.

Help me.

  • MerryChristmas [any]
    1 year ago

    This is my experience right on down to the time off from work. The one thing that has been moderately helpful (besides therapy) is learning to stop scrolling. You eventually get bored if you don't let yourself reach for the phone and then you're sort of forced to confront that boredom by doing literally anything else.

    For a while that anything else was mostly naps for me, but eventually that got boring, too, and now I'm interested in my hobbies again. It's hard because the phone makes burnout easier to deal with, but the constant sensory input also prolongs your recovery.

    • ratboy [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I think the scrolling is definitely my worst fixation. How do you keep yourself from doing it? I started to turn my phone off at home for chunks of time but I keep forgetting. Lol and once I'm done with my chunk of time I just start scrolling immediately ad a treat and I don't know that that's helping my situation

      • MerryChristmas [any]
        1 year ago

        What I try to do is recognize the behavior when it's happening without judging it. Instead of getting annoyed with myself when I realize I somehow ended up scrolling again, I just remind myself that this isn't what I want to be doing and put the phone down. I'll probably pick it up again in five minutes, but everytime I put it down the habit becomes just a tiny bit more ingrained.

        I'm still here in the middle of a work day so it obviously isn't a perfect system, but I'm trying to focus on the process instead of getting frustrated on the days when I don't get results.