• StalinForTime [comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    As a communist, it's a remarkable feeling shouting to the wind about the self-evident Nazification of Ukraine and the support by the West for its fascist client states, while being called a Russian bot in the flesh, only to then have every point you've made been proven utterly correct and for no-one to recognise it even when they have to clean up after themselves after having shit the bed.

    Oh wait it's called Cassandra complex.

    • CA0311 [they/them]
      9 months ago

      im about to lose my fucking mind lol. i am actually thinking it's time to put down the internet for good, even hexbear, because seeing all this nazi apologia even for dunking on is too much.

      it makes sense that the unique significance of nazi germany would get muddled a bit over the generations, but holy shit, im in my mid thirties and "the soviets were worse than the nazis and joining the ss is sometimes a necessary thing "is a mainstream media opinion. we have and will not learn anything. im gonna puke if i read another one of these fucking articles or tweets.

      • TheOtherwise [none/use name]
        9 months ago

        I know what you mean, this event feels different for me. I mean the impact it has on me personally. I just....like...these people knew, man. They knew. 100%. They knew what they were clapping for. And they thought it was OK just because the Nazi had been fighting the dirty Russians. And then they're response to it all....

        It's fucking disgusting.

        • CA0311 [they/them]
          9 months ago

          the thing that really surprised me about all this is that it's so fucked that i actually felt disappointed by the canadian government. like i've known forever that my country is imperialist to the core. i've learned not to expect a single good thing from canada. yet somehow this apparently broke some kind of line I didn't know existed. i won't go as far as to say I was surprised, but i was disappointed, i didn't know it was possible for me to be disappointed by these ghouls anymore.

      • StalinForTime [comrade/them]
        9 months ago

        Yeah if you feel you need to take a break then I'd say take a break comrade.

        Save your sanity for the shit that matters.

        That being said, you're completely correct that it's insane seeing the discourse of 'the Soviets were as bad / worse that the Nazis' becoming more and more prominent.