• forcequit [she/her]
    1 year ago

    There's been a number of force femme groups, discords etc, not to mention the manipulative exploitation of those who find themselves within such spaces.

    Plus, porn. It's a distillation of all of these things, racialised gender dynamics, cuckoldry, sissy hypno, it all feels wildly gross tbh.

    Id think a trans commie would be better served helping their trans comrades than genderfucking some incels

    • kristina [she/her]
      1 year ago

      Yeah it's definitely toxic and fetishistic it's bad that it is often conflated with the trans experience as a whole. But I still think it's funny in some ways tbh lmao, it's so wildly out of left field

      • forcequit [she/her]
        1 year ago

        Oh sure it's kinda funny if you don't think about it lol. I guess when you're a bunch of self identified incels feeding into the negativity nexus, it's relatively easier to convince/be convinced yourself to become the vaunted Stacey than it is to bring about retribution against them or whateverthefuck. Idk lonely boys gonna lonely but force femmeing/transmaxxing won't fix that. These people don't love themselves lol

        Here's a vid on 4chans femboy blackmail cult

        more to the point, 'transmaxxing' does nothing to distance these people from incel spaces and thought, if anything it reifies those positions and relationships

        • kristina [she/her]
          1 year ago

          I also feel like outside the 'femininity is shameful, submissiveness is shameful' aspect of it, I lowkey think a lot of it is the subversion of anxiety around costs and societal hatred. After all, you didnt choose this, it was foisted, it is readily available, you're a victim so nobody in society can blame you. You didn't have to grapple with your brain, trying to find doctors to fix things, trying to fork up the tens of thousands of dollars to actually get shit done, or anything, that was done for you. So in a way it is a fantasy of avoiding transition anxieties.

          Its also unhinged but thats what makes it funny

          • forcequit [she/her]
            1 year ago

            ooh I think you're onto something there, it's like an extension of the button thought experiment for eggs.

            Look I'm all for encouraging consideration of one's gender, expression, wants and needs, but thinking that it alone is the solution to the incels woes is uh lacking at best. These boys gotta grow up and develop inter/personal relationships if they're ever gonna escape the brainworms they've found themselves with.