• Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Putin isn't chowing down on BK, neither are the oligarchs, or the heads of the army, the FSB, or so on.

    What's the point of making sure BK leaves the market except and ineffectual attempt to hurt ordinary Russians?

    • jackmarxist [any]
      7 months ago

      Honestly, BK should just leave. Russians or as a matter of fact no one deserves to eat that "food".

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I remember when the sanctions started and Western fast food, media, and social media were all pulling out. Someome quipped "oh no, Russians will be the healthiest and happiest people on the planet. How awful."

      • @AnarchoDakosaurus@toast.ooo
        7 months ago

        I don't even understand how the hell burger King is alive to this day. There's 2 burger kings in my city, both on the same road and I've never seen anyone in line at either of them.

        Like are we even sure burger King isint some psy op or something? Does anyone even remember the last time they were in one?

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      7 months ago

      also if they left then the burger kings in russia would just stay open. It is not a complicated business to copy when you already have the equipment and staff. It's as simple as continuing to sell burgers

      Burger king could end it's francisee relationships but the burger shop is already in russia

    • @hackris@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      I think the narrative these people are trying to push is that these companies get dollars flowing into Russia, they buy roubles, and Russia uses the dollars on the international weaponry market. I don't get why this would be a problem, since Microsoft still does the same shit I assume (most Russians definitely use Windows)

    • @PR_freak@programming.dev
      7 months ago

      The main purpose is to create a sentiment of dissatisfaction for the current government

      Edit: I am just pointing out their purpose, it doesn't mean that I share their view boyz

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Is it effective? Especially since McD's leaving the country has just resulted in the Russian suppliers and restaurant owners running the place on their own with the same recipes.

        Are the Russian people going to be angry at the lack of clown/king related branding?

        • 7bicycles [he/him]
          7 months ago

          Are the Russian people going to be angry at the lack of clown/king related branding?

          I point to things like Aunt Jemima or something and tell you I can see how this might seem like it works to the US

          • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
            7 months ago

            that's because Americans just want to be angry at each other about something. Ultimately the American obsession with culture war stupid bullshit comes from the fact that the American constitution is an objectively stupid foundation for a country and its checks and balances prevent any actual politics from getting done so to differentiate themselves politicians have to focus on nonsense

            this has also effected other countries that have too much american news

            I don't really know a way forward other than just getting rid of the United states as a legal framework and starting a new country entirely from scratch there is really nothing salvageable about the way american democracy is structured and it needs a redesign from the ground up

      • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Russians are going to be so angry about no Burger King they'll do a 1917 on Putin for sure.

        • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
          7 months ago

          Without American fast food, Russians will have to resort to eating rotten maggot-infested meat. It will be like a million Battleship Potemkins all at once.

      • @frippa@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        IDK I would be pretty happy if shitty body-ruining fast food and proprietary Spyware like Microsoft left my country, I would like my shitty neofascist government sliiiightly more (I am Italian, sadly) if instead of sucking on uncle Sam's hairy balls they would kick harmful corpos out

    • @FiskFisk33@startrek.website
      7 months ago

      Well, it's about economics, not hurting ordinary russians. Doing business in russia gives them money, which helps them pay for the war. It's as simple as that.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        7 months ago

        It is about economics. If Burger King leaves Russia, they're still leaving the restaurants, distribution networks and the employees behind. They're not going to sit idle just because the brand left, rather they're going to keep going under a new name, just like how McDonald's did.

        What effect does that have on the Russian war effort? None.

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        7 months ago

        But Burger King sells to Russians and repatriates some of its profits back to the US. If BK leaves Russia then Russians will spend their money on other restaurants, presumably ones which do not send profits overseas (due to the sanctions) which paradoxically means more money staying in Russia.

        If the restaurants close then there will be some momentary unemployment but there's a war going on so unemployment helps smooth over manpower issues. That's also ignoring the possibility of a Russian entity stepping into BK's shoes like they did with McD's and just running the place without the trademarks.

        I don't see any purpose beyond moral posturing.

        • jackmarxist [any]
          7 months ago

          They don't even have to respect trademarks anymore because of how much Russia is sanctioned. They can just keep running their own Burger King with the only difference being that the real BK won't see any profits and the money will stay inside Russia.

          • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
            7 months ago

            Worst case scenario for the west is that the Russians just rename the chain "Burger Tsar" or something and continue as normal. Russians still get their treats, BK gets no money.