• Nagarjuna [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Northern Ireland's desire for independence will continue until they eventually get it, with Sinn Féin governing they're on the democratic road to socialism.

    As the climate crisis continues and global multi-polarity intensifies, Brazil's Workers' Party will find itself needing to take increasingly radical action and having increasing room to do it.

    Brazil's moves will open the way for the rest of Latin America. Bolivia and Venezuela will quickly follow into the space opened by Brazil.

    Africa's got potential, but not until Western Hegemony has been damaged more and they can assert real sovereignty and create a common currency, at which point my money is on Kenya.

    But Kenya's not number 5. Instead, we've got a sleeper appearance for the Phillipines! Losing the US's backing, the regime falls from power and the NPA and CPP seize power and begin the intertwined projects of socialization and democratization.

    • Moss [they/them]
      10 months ago

      Sinn Féin really aren't socialists at all unfortunately. They've basically shed all of their former socialist ideology to be more appealing to liberals, and at best are social democrats. Most communist orgs decry Sinn Féin as liberals

    • umbrella@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      Brazil's Workers' Party will find itself needing to take increasingly radical action and having increasing room to do it.

      Don't count on this one. They are socdems at best.