God help them. The slaughter to come is probably beyond our imagining

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    9 months ago

    History shows us that there are no invincible armies and that there is, on the contrary, a "victor's disease" where successful armies become set in their own doctrine and cannot adapt to new circumstances. There's also the tendency of occupation armies to devolve into little more than colonial gendarmes, which chips away at their efficacy.

    The army of the Zionist Entity might be afflicted by both, in addition to being a brittle force with little in the way of reserves or strategic depth. It was already handed a sound defeat in Lebanon against Hezbollah, and it's performance in some of those battles was embarrassing.

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      9 months ago

      It was already handed a sound defeat in Lebanon against Hezbollah

      Support for that war fell off in Israel because people were angry about the high rate of casualties. I don't think they would have those issues with a war with Palestine as Israelis can be quite fanatic on that point

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Yes, but the fact that they suffered so many casualties against an enemy with no air force or armor speaks to military failure too.

    • D3FNC [any]
      9 months ago

      They were too busy doing thirst trap IDF Instagram photoshoots to remember they run the largest, longest standing open air prison in the history of the world; thank fucking god for small favors

      Imagine seeing a new kid from your hood, every week, getting shot in the face for the crime of not being Jewish for your entire lifetime then one day you find yourself behind enemy lines.