“We may be about to see massive ethnic cleansing,” says one EU diplomat. Another senior Brussels official says that the EU should already have lined up with the UN secretary-general’s calls for Israel to respect international humanitarian law.

Full article: https://imgur.com/a/DLbVySM

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    “We may be about to see massive ethnic cleansing,” says one EU diplomat.

    Let's consider the moral dilemma - shall we? It's not exactly the trolley problem.

    1. If you follow the official Israeli line - it's good for your career but you are a turd.


    1. If tell the truth - it's bad (if not horrible) for your career as a diplomat but you are righteous. You can always get a job doing something else.


    Nearly all of them will do #1.