That's right, folks, it's my third fucking Leslie post of the day and the Leslie posting does not stop. I aspire to be even 1/1000th as based as Leslie was. o7

Up for discussion this week is anything from chapters 3 through 6. These discussion points kinda majorly fucking suck and y'all are free to bully me for them but I'm trying my best here.

  • What did you learn?
  • Was anything eye opening to you?
  • Are there any misconceptions about particular aspects of the trans community that have maybe been torn down?
  • Did anything make you reflect on how you view your own gender identity or expression?
  • Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  • Are there things that brought out intense emotion? (ex: literally all of chapter 5 filled me with miraculously even more hatred for this shithole country)
  • Did you learn anything new about the medical hardships that trans people face? What are your thoughts?
  • Was there anything that really reaffirmed your beliefs as a leftist? - Please, God. If you're there, please strike me down; this is terrible but I just can't stop.

Rereading through this book now being as comfortable in my body as I am and actually paying close attention, it has shaken me to my core. My eyes have been blasted wide open so hard that I'm not even sure how the fuck I even identify anymore and that discomfort has motivated me to try using the pronoun tags to experiment a bit. So uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... yeah. That's something. O_O

This thread will be featured for 24 hours then will remain pinned in !transenby_liberation for the remainder of the week until next Saturday. Rinse and repeat one last time.

original thread
week #1 thread
pdf download
epub download
chapter 1 audiobook - Huge shout out to comrade @futomes for recording these. No words can truly express my appreciation for this. Thank you so much. ❤️
chapter 2 audiobook
chapter 3 audiobook

  • D61 [any]
    4 years ago

    Well... just about everything that I highlighted has been talked about or mentioned. Nice feeling.

    I liked the little nods to history that started on page 102. Giving some historical touch stones leading up to the Stonewall Riots that, if they even were mentioned in other histories, might not have been coded as relating to gender and sexuality liberation.

    Also starting on page 102 the paragraph that talks about how working on a single demand or for a single group within a coalition and how its kinda shitty leading to ...

    This is an old tactic. When I was a teenager involved in factory struggles in Buffalo, New Your, management sent similar messages through emissaries to union activists. But it was divisive... ... But when we allowed ourselves to be split along lines of oppression, we always lost.

    The tactics used against the working class are the same as those used against people oppressed because of their identity. And a solution against those tactics is also the same. Solidarity.

    About the only thing revelatory that I've come to so far, is just how mindbogglingly complicated gender identity is, the more I'm exposed to the various intricacies less clear it all is.

    Also, sucks that this post got comment bombed and you had to deal with that, also realizing that I saw the post title "Where did that bring you..." and totally quit reading the rest to realize that this is where the mega thread was.


    You hit a certain age and the "boomer" comes at you fast.