This makes no sense to me. There's people in the comments literally telling me to go kill myself and that's fine but, me politely disagreeing is worthy of a 30 day ban.

    • Maaj [he/him]
      8 months ago

      I haven't given an opinion on your stuff. I just told you what instance davel was from. So...your point doesn't really have legs yet.

        8 months ago

        Up untill Davel, every single user I got a reply from relating to stuff I said on that thread was either a Hexbear or Lemmygrad user and every user since Davel has been aswell.

        • Maaj [he/him]
          8 months ago

          What you said was that they were "coming after you"

          I'm just making the point of stating that my conversation with you has not been "aggressive" nor has it mentioned the topic at hand. And I'm from hexbear.

            8 months ago

            I just mean that usually when I say something controversial, the people arguing against that are from all over the place, but in this case the opposition seems to be coming from these two instances almost exclusively. Even in this thread, that's been posted on there's still a disproportionate amount of Hexbear users replying. I can't say for certain, but it sure feels like they're looking for me rather than just stumbling across this post.

            • PointAndClique [they/them]
              8 months ago

              Lol I browse All, I see a thread with lots of comments, I drop in. Nobody's looking for you, get over yourself. Take the L. Sit out your 30 days and ply your debate pervert shit somewhere else in the meantime, the Internet is a huge place.

                8 months ago

                That still doesn't explain the disproportionate amount of replies from Hexbear and Lemmygrad users. You should see my inbox.

                • Flyberius [comrade/them]
                  8 months ago

                  We care about this sort of stuff. More than non-bear/grad users judging by the replies you are recieving.

                  We like to stick up for each other. It's a shame your community doesn't have that.

                    8 months ago

                    I'm not sure what that community would even be. I'm not interested about being surrounded by bunch of yes-men. I want my community to call me out on my bullsht because I'm going to do the same for them.

                        8 months ago

                        Well not really. Mostly people are just being mean and/or saying I'm wrong but no one is trying to change my mind. When I made the first post that got me banned I had just woken up and had only skimmed thru the news, but the more time passes and I look into it the more comfortable I feel with my original conclusion. At the moment it seems almost certain that it indeed was a malfuncioning Hamas rocket shot from Gaza strip and there's plenty video evidence to back that up.

                        • Flyberius [comrade/them]
                          8 months ago

                          How big do you think Hamas rockets are? I assure you they aren't capable of flattening a hospital.

                          And that video could be anywhere.

                            8 months ago

                            You can see my other reply. The hospital is still very much intact because the rocket luckily didn't hit the building but a parking lot. As you said; Hamas rockets aren't capable of flattening a building. If it was JDAM there would be a 15 meter crater on the ground.

                            8 months ago

                            Not sure if you got my message, because they banned me from the whole instance now so I'll pm it to you too:

                            You can see my other reply. The hospital is still very much intact because the rocket luckily didn’t hit the building but a parking lot. As you said; Hamas rockets aren’t capable of flattening a building. If it was JDAM there would be a 15 meter crater on the ground.

                            If it was JDAM then where are the pictures of the leveled hospital/crater? Where are the pictures of 500 dead people? That's A-grade propaganda material for Hamas so why isn't it all over the internet? All I'm seeing is this picture which judging by the fence and tree is from outside aswell as this with a matching fence, couple burnt cars and some damaged roofing tiles. Ofcourse there's also the video posted by IDF of aerial footage which matches that picture from the parking lot and shows a very much intanct hospital building.

                            EDIT: Here's a video from that same parking lot. I wonder why they aren't filmin the leveled hospital instead.

                            EDIT2: Well here's some dead bodies aswell. Not sure if it's related to the same incident, but atleast it's something. Be aware, VERY DISTURBING footage.

                      8 months ago

                      Proof you haven't even done the first iota of investigation into the federations you talk the MOST shit about; as if you did, you'd see half the time we're locking horns with each other over who's got the materially correct line. No investigation, no right to speech.

                • PointAndClique [they/them]
                  8 months ago

                  We're active in political threads since we're both explicitly leftist instances (grad is ML, Hexbear is leftist of different stripes). Hexbear doesn't have down votes so if we see something we disagree with, we say something. There's not really a 'downvote and move on' mentality, so you're likely to get multiple users replying to a post.

            • Maaj [he/him]
              8 months ago

              ...You may want to look into which instances are federated with yours and the instances you post on before the paranoia fully sets in, lol.