Captain America: Brave New World is coming out in 2024 (next year), and the MCU is introducing the character, Sabra. In case you didn't click the link, Sabra is an Israeli superhero that basically wears the Israel flag as her costume.

This conflict could delay the movie since marvel likes calling their Captain America movies "political thrillers". I am so mad why would Hamas do this. Now, Marvel has to restructure their film so that it's not outdated. Sadly, the budget is going to go through the roof now since they have to add like an hour-and-a-half of CGI of Captain Israel going 9/11 on buildings and hospitals in Gaza.

I just want the fighting to end so we can go back to how things were before, capekino paradise.

  • GottiGoFast [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    "She was raised on a special kibbutz run by the Israeli government after her power manifested. Ruth was the first superhuman agent to serve with the Mossad (the Israeli secret service). She became a police officer in addition to serving as a government agent."


    • SerLava [he/him]
      8 months ago

      In late 2024 the woman f-15 eagle pilot with the most hospital kills in the IDF is going to be nicknamed Sabra and all the little girls are going to look up to her

      • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
        8 months ago

        Uhhh somehow this reminded me of some old US propaganda...

        what was the name of the woman the US used for propaganda in the iraq war a billion years ago?

        Remember the one where they made a story about how she was a war hero and she was held prisoner in a hospital so we 'rescued' her in an operation but it turned out she was just being treated for her injuries? you remember her name? Im gonna see if i can dig that up (even tho it's not super relevant)

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Ruth was the first superhuman agent to serve with the Mossad (the Israeli secret service)

      Now this is diversity

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      Super soldier turned super cop for apartheid state

      What issue has the part where she laments not being able to fight in the Boer wars?