I remember reading this somewhere years ago. The idea is that Israel will nuke Paris, Berlin, London, etc, in the event that the west cuts off their support and allows it to be defeated by an enemy force.

Is this just a dumbass conspiracy theory, or is there something to it?

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Didn't Isreal get a lot of their nuclear program from straight up stealing blueprints from the American program? Think I remember a few of the insane right wingers on twitter making that point before I blocked them all and Elon deleted my account.

    • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
      9 months ago

      I highly doubt the Israelis would need to steal nuke plans. They are quite literally the US' best and strongest "we will literally die with you" friend. Since nuclear de-proliferation was the strategy for a long time (perhaps the original idea...) the US had/has treaties and such agreeing to not just give nukes away and stuff. But what if someone just left a folder full of all the classified information needed on a coffee table and got up and left the room? Hmm. It was hugely in Israel's/US' interests for Israel to have nukes to threaten Iran and the USSR, back in the day, with. I dunno, them having to steal any sort of weapons tech from the US just seems very unnecessary when we would happily give them anything at any time no matter what they're doing.

      • Hotspur@lemmy.ml
        9 months ago

        I haven’t read it, but my understanding is that the Hersh book “the Sampson option” mentioned above largely chronicles the development of Israelite nukes, and how multiple US presidents “turned a blind eye” to their theft of secret US documents.

        • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
          9 months ago

          I guess I'm not disputing the underlying premise that Israel got nuke technology through dubious means. I'd just say the idea of them "stealing" it seems... unnecessary? Why steal what your friend will give away? Maybe the stealing illusion is part of the US keeping on the good side of treaties.

          • Hotspur@lemmy.ml
            9 months ago

            I think you’ve nailed it—I don’t personally know, but i think it’s a well let you “steal” it so you can get them but we won’t be culpable kinda thing.

          • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
            9 months ago

            Because everyone involved wants "stealing" to be the explanation? It's one of those geopolitical things where it's obvious lies wrapped in obvious lies but it doesn't matter that everyone knows that so long as no one who matters admits it formally. Like the US blowing up that pipeline: yes, it's abundantly obvious that they were the only ones with the means, motive, and opportunity to do it and every other possibility is absurd, but it doesn't matter as long as no one admits it because the issue fundamentally cannot be pressed further.

            • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
              9 months ago

              I completely forgot about that fucking pipeline... there's too much shit... what a wild thing to just be able to openly do and it's been basically forgotten