Israelis ink the memory of deadly attacks onto their skin | Reuters

EILAT, Israel, Oct 19 (Reuters) - The date Oct. 7 will be forever etched in Israeli history, marking the day Hamas gunmen rampaged through southern communities, killing 1,400 people, in the country's deadliest attack since its founding in 1948.

Now, many Israelis are getting the date tattooed on their bodies to commemorate the dead and missing, and bear witness to the collective tragedy.

"It was a very difficult date for the whole state of Israel, including for those who weren't in the affected areas," said tattoo artist Roey Benezri-Levy, who works in the seaside resort of Eilat, far from where Hamas attacked.

"Some people choose to tattoo images that remind them of their home, the family, or the people kidnapped, in one way or another," he said. "Many of them write the date, October 7. We all understand what that means."

University student Gal Nishman got a tattoo on his back in black and blue ink combining a Star of David with the numerals 7/10.

"The truth is I don't know anyone who was murdered, fortunately ... but the tattoo for me is a symbol," he said. "On one side (the tattoo) is dark, representing those who were captured. On the other, there is blue, the Star of David, Israel, (showing) that we're here to win."

Benezri-Levy said clients had found solace in the experience. "Many folks told me it lifted a heavy weight off their hearts. It brought out feelings I haven't felt before. It gave me a lot of strength, a lot of hope," he said.

Another tattoo artist, Sheli Eliel, has also been busy since the attacks in her studio in Magan Michael, some 400 km (250 miles) north of Eilat, on the Mediterranean coast.

"It's therapeutic," she said. "I never asked questions before, but during the tattooing, the stories come out, they share them and cry. It is quite amazing," she said.

Among those seeking to commemorate recent events was Hadas Karmazin, a resident from the south, close to the border of the Gaza Strip, controlled by Hamas, who has been evacuated from her home as Israeli forces gather ahead of a possible invasion.

She had three stars inked close to her heart to represent her three sons, two of whom are in combat units while the third is set to enlist this month.

She also had a large lotus flower tattooed on her forearm, saying it represented Israeli residents of the south. "It grows with glory and flourishes even in murky water, especially in murky water," she said. "Despite everything I will return home."

  • blashork [she/her]
    9 months ago

    After using my religion as a cover for their genocidal colonial project, they simultaneously broke one of it's laws and trivialized the holocaust.

    Like not only is this a weird fucked up brainworms thing, but also getting tattoos is explicitly prohibited in judaism.

    Anywyas, I hope they all have some white phosphorus backfire on them and it burns their skin so thoroughly no one can recognize their corpses let alone any tattoos on them.

    palestine-strong palestine-heart

    • mar_k [he/him]
      9 months ago

      getting tattoos is explicitly prohibited in judaism

      Israel has a lot of secular Jewish people that are still generally ethno-nationalist supremacists. Even Netanyahu was raised secular, oddly enough. So you have atheist and agnostic Jews that don't even believe in the Holy Land shit but still support a Jewish homeland on the basis of "Jewish identity" and lebensraum propaganda they've been fed their whole lives

      • ProfessorAdonisCnut [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Nationalist projects often sit pretty uncomfortably with the traditions they subsume, sometimes being more or less outright hostile to them.

        • mar_k [he/him]
          9 months ago

          Yeah it's plain white supremacy. White Ashkenazi Jewish settlers also massively discriminated against the Mizrahi Jewish minority that already lived in Palestine

          For example, Mizrahi Jews were segregated from the European Jewish settlers, and a lot of them had to change their last names to Ashkenazi names to avoid overt racism. Zionist leaders described Mizrahis as "faceless dust" and "human material," and "on the same cultural level as the Arab Fellahin (peasants)"

          You can also find horrifically racist comments about Mizrahi Jews from Ben Gurion, Israel's first prime minister

      • GarfieldYaoi [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Can confirm. For what it's worth, Tel Aviv is actually somewhat chill. But it's like the California of Israel: just the LEAST bad part of a horrifying monster.