Death to America

    • HornyOnMain
      8 months ago

      🧠 not getting with soldiers because of the high chance of them mistreating you / cheating while overseas

      :galaxy-brain: not getting with soldiers because you're a progressive and anti war

      :centrist: not getting with soldiers because you're a libertarian and cant stand to fuck someone who works for "the largest socialist organization in the US"

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      8 months ago

      To be fair to most burgertopians the military is basically the only explicitly non market system of production and distribution they know of or have experience with. The fact that it also works under a system of vaguely "to each from each" also helps to give the impression that the military is somehow socialism.

      • huf [he/him]
        8 months ago

        yeah, cos it's the only part of the state that still exists

        the rest is just stocks in suits.

      • Nagarjuna [he/him]
        8 months ago

        Literally the national guard brings government surplus food to food banks and the VA is the only socialized healthcare Americans have experience with. I see how they get the impression.

      • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        the US military is the largest reactionary force in the world

        Socialism is not when the government does stuff

          • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
            8 months ago

            How it works internally is capitalism. Sorry not trying to be pendantic but there’s nothing socialist about the US military in practice or otherwise

            • Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
              8 months ago

              Centralized/state control versus pure corporate profit seeking. Of course, there's still the grift of capitalism going with war profiteering weapon contractors. You can't literally buy stocks of US military though.

              • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
                8 months ago

                Socialism is an economic system in which workers own the means of production. It has nothing to do with centralized planning. If it did it would be to say our anarchist comrades aren’t socialists!

                The US military is centrally planned, by and in service of a dictatorship of the bourgeoise— the capitalist class who own the means of production and control the government, and use its institutions to further their interests. Thus it is definitionally a capitalist institution. These are, in fact, the people who would try to kill you if you attempted to install socialism by seizing the means from the capitalists.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      8 months ago

      Biden is the only socialist president who isn’t a bloody dictator. People who say socialism always fails don’t know anything about the USSA