• Frank [he/him, he/him]
        7 months ago

        People really don't like it when you tell them that Manifest Destiny and Lebensraum influenced Zionism.

        • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
          7 months ago

          One thing I never considered for a long time is how zionists always make the target of their dialogue Westerners; you would imagine the first people they need to talk to, to convince that their country deserves to exist, the first people they should prioritize for all their dialogue, would be their Middle Eastern neighbors, but I've realized all their dialogue is targeted at Westerners; their view of Arabs is truly no different than the settler colonizers' view of native Americans; they don't see them as people. Frankly if they were going to consider themselves a Western country they should've made their nation in Europe or seen what they could do about getting the US to cede some land to them (but then, there's strategic benefit to our government and the UK in creating a Western outpost in the Middle East).

    • quarrk [he/him]
      7 months ago

      It’s like an RPG where people buy cosmetics specifically to look as goofy as possible

      • Krem [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Jacket: Apartheid State Flag Cape

        This is just literally a big flag tucked into the neck of your shirt.

        • +1 Esprit de Corps: I'm a Superhero!
        • +1 Composure: It's photo ops time
        • -2 Conceptualization: What the fuck are you doing
    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      I know it would be very old-fashioned but to complete the outfit - she should have a blue and white nurses hat with a big Star of David.