• autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    I've been a staunch lesser evilist for a long time and even argued for it here, but Genocide support is my red line. If Biden changes tune and forces a ceasefire (I was going to say support, but of course biden could actually FORCE one signle handedly) then I might change my tune.

    Granted, I didnt vote for him in 2020 either but that was because I dont live in a swing state. Its only because of this red line that I now am against voting for him regardless of where you live.

    Like, I still have trouble not seeing FPTP voting in america as a trolley problem, and I havent intelectually wrapped my head around it yet, but I know Biden crossed a line for me and thats that.

    • queermunist she/
      8 months ago

      I don't want to come across as an accelerationist, but I am almost certain Democrats would have endorsed a ceasefire if Trump was president. He has a way of sharpening the contradictions so even the most false consciousness pilled lib can see the correct choice.

      • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        I don't think you're necessarily wrong actually. Dems opposed moving the embassy to Jerusalem when Trump was president IIRC.

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        8 months ago

        You're right but not necessarily because Trump heightens the contradictions. I think it's just simple partisan politics. Supporting Israel is obligatory if you want to play ball with the American ruling class, either President would be supporting the genocide. But when you're the opposition you have a lot to gain from taking the objectively correct position of condemning genocide, not a lot to lose (maybe some AIPAC funding but that might not outweigh the cost of staying silent).

        • queermunist she/
          8 months ago

          Maybe that's partisanship, but I don't think any other Republican president would have the effectiveness at getting Democrats to make the right choice. Trump's ability to piss off libs is unmatched and that humiliation and indignation definitely helps them see the contradictions.

          • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
            8 months ago

            It's definitely true that he pisses them off unlike anything else in the world, but the liberal media also had the 'world is ending every day' vibe when W was in office, I remember. At least when they weren't tripping over themselves to wave the flag harder than the right.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        8 months ago

        I've been saying this for a while.

        When there's a republ8can president liberals at least provide lip service to doing progressive things.

        The only difference between a Democrat and republican president is when there's a Democrat president liberals tell vulnerable people to shut up and stop complaining because they're making them look bad.

        Like how the concentration camps on the border and dejoy at the usps stopped being an issue overnight.

      • Magician [he/him, they/them]
        8 months ago

        I paid more attention to politics once trump was elected. I learned more about what trump could and couldn't do as president and how the damage could be prevented. I went to political protests and got active.

        Watching the Democratic party describe him as evil while doing little to stop him really woke me up to the willful inaction going on. It finally clicked when I saw people waiting on the Mueller Report. A fed and self-identified republican who would supposedly unseat a president and send them to jail.

      • showmustgo [he/him, comrade/them]
        8 months ago

        I feel like there's a word for it that I don't know, but I think had that happened, Liberals would be forced to look themselves in the mirror and decide between their hatred for Trump and their love for Israel. I feel like it would have been a huge injury to the liberal psyche