The Mapuche are the largest indigenous group in Chile. When the Spaniards arrived, they inhabited a large part of southern Chile, divided into subgroups according to geographic area. The first researchers recognized the Picunche, who lived from the Maule River to the Itata and Biobío rivers, the Araucanians, from the latter to the Toltén, the Pehuenche in the mountainous area, from Chillán to Antuco and the Huilliche between the Toltén River and the Gulf of Corcovado, including the island of Chiloé.

In other words, the Mapuche occupied diverse environments and landscapes, ranging from the sub-Andean region to the coast and from warm temperate climates to cold rainy climates, which implied diverse adaptations and consequent cultural differences. The changes that occurred during the Spanish conquest and colony produced a remarkable cultural and, above all, political and social unity of this group and, after the subjugation to the Republic of Chile, a considerable part of this people migrated to the city. In fact, today, most of them live in urban settlements rather than in the countryside, concentrated in the cities of the Araucanía and Metropolitan regions, followed by the Los Lagos and Bío Bío regions.


The Mapuche are considered direct descendants of the pre-Hispanic archaeological cultures Pitrén (100 - 1100 years A.D.) and El Vergel (1100 - 1450 years A.D.), which developed in the region between the Bío Bío River and the Reloncaví Seno. However, when the Spaniards arrived, their language, Mapudungun, was widespread from the Choapa River to Chiloé, which does not mean a cultural homogeneity of the different groups that inhabited this extensive territory.

The arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century was apparently the trigger for different populations to group together and strengthen their social and cultural ties, forming the historically known Mapuche identity. The Mapuche rebelled against Spanish subjugation and set fire to the cities they had founded from the Bío Bío River to the south. This rebellion was the beginning of the Arauco War, which forced Spain to maintain a professional army to guard the borders, as well as to recognize Mapuche autonomy in their lands.

The definitive Mapuche subjugation only ended before the Army of the Republic of Chile with the so-called Pacification of Araucania, in 1882. This military action was based on the urgency to conquer exploitable territories, driven by an ideology that advocated the elimination of the indigenous in the name of "civilization". After the Chilean military triumph and in order to initiate a colonization with Creole and European elements, the indigenous people were controlled by means of their settlement in communal property reductions.

The direct consequences of this process for Mapuche society were the drastic reduction of their lands through repeated and massive usurpations, dependence on an external agent, the State, and social disorganization caused by the loss of authority of the lonkos. As a result of all this, from the beginning of the 20th century, Mapuche action shifted from the military to the political field, from warriors to organizational leaders, from the countryside to the city, with a progressive migration and the emergence of an intellectual and professional elite within Mapuche society.

In 1910, the first indigenous organization in the country, the Caupolicán Society, raised a series of ethnic and peasant petitions. From the 1960s until 1973, the Mapuche participated in the Agrarian Reform, without success, in an attempt to recover their usurped lands. The progressive migration of the Mapuche to the city had begun. At the end of the seventies, almost 70% of the Mapuche people were in the city and in extreme poverty. On a national scale, a capitalist development is consolidated that conceives the so-called 'indigenous problem' only as a peasant one. In 1976, the military government, through the Community Division Law, attempts to privatize Mapuche communal property, that is, to transfer it into the hands of individuals.

In the 1980s, the level of poverty among the Mapuche increased, leading to more migration to the city and mestization. Until the early 1990s, indigenous laws were aimed at their incorporation and/or assimilation into Chilean society, a situation that was partially reversed during the period of democracy with the enactment of the Indigenous Law of 1991, which recognizes, protects and promotes the development of ethnic groups in the country. It is estimated that the pre-Hispanic Mapuche population was approximately one million. Today, the Mapuche number more than 600,000 people, corresponding to 87.3% of the country's indigenous population.


Until the 16th century, the Mapuche had a patrilineal, polygamous family social organization. In the seventeenth century and the first half of the eighteenth century, the chieftainship was strengthened, producing a strong social hierarchy for wartime, where the figure of the toki was born, very functional for the war system. The colonial authorities tried to strengthen the figure of the lonko or community chief, with little success. After the defeat of 1881, a protectorate system was implemented and land was granted to family communities, identifying each one with the name of the cacique or lonko.

Today, the community is a consanguineous group, mostly patrilineal, which stems from the granting of a title of mercy to a chief and his family. There is a relative social homogeneity of its members. The process of internal differentiation is at the limit of the community, imposing a first family and then community solidarity. However, nowadays most of the Mapuche population resides in popular sectors of the big cities of the country, organizing themselves in cultural centers whose main objective is the re-ethnification of the urban generations.


The Mapuche language is Mapudungu ("language of the land") or Mapudungun ("people's speech"). Typologically, it is polysynthetic and agglutinative, with a suffixing and highly verbalizing tendency. That is to say, complex words are equivalent to Spanish sentences, for example: katrümamüllmean = "I will go to cut firewood" (mamüll/leña; katrü/cortar, which is done by the subject). When the Spaniards arrived, Mapudungu was in use from Coquimbo to Chiloé and from the mountains to the sea. Today, it is the most widely spoken aboriginal language in Chile with 260,000 native speakers.

The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere

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  • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
    11 months ago

    Rant post:

    How do people play Baldur's Gate 3 without wanting to tear their hair out every single battle at the dogshit combat system holy fuck.

    Everything else about the game is A+ but the battles are legit F-tier, so infuriatingly arbitrary I think my dog could come up with better design.

    I've played some really mid RPGs recently but every single one of them had more fun battles than this nonsense. Every single battle I feel like shouting into a pillow. I don't remember the last time I got this mad this often at a game.

    I wanna like the game so badly, I like everything else, the world, the characters, the dialogue, the graphics, the actual RPG stuff but holy shit I hate, hate, hate the combat mechanics. It's boring, it's random in the worst possible ways and comically intransparent.

    Edit: I don't wanna hear about D&D, fuck D&D, we're not in the 50s we have decades of game design to learn from and an entirely new medium, sky's the limit, why not make an actual good system instead??

    • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
      11 months ago

      All that good stuff you like is based on IP owned by wizards of the coast, who took it from TSR through litigation. They bundled all that IP with their combat system. The reason that system sucks is because wizards of the coast sucks at almost everything other than litigation.

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Runequest will rise from the ashes while Wizards of the Coast flounders.

    • makotech222 [he/him]
      11 months ago

      i just use cheats to speed through combat. i'm not a fan of turn based, it takes too long and i already know the conclusion

      • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
        11 months ago

        I love turn based combat, I especially love it when I know what an ability is going to do before I click it. An ability that does 3-30 damage is something we learned not to put into games about 15 years ago, unfortunately Baldur's Gate is stuck in the 50s.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          11 months ago

          I like a TTRPGs, I like a game with rules based on SOME TTRPGs. DnD is a system that sucks both for tabletop and vidya. When I played DnD it was with a very very very homebrewed ADnD 2 where I went through and streamlined shit made some things work totally different, added and removed a bunch. For tabletops I pretty much just make up my own systems now and ALL are based off the percentile dice system. Use 2 D10s thar are colored different, one is the 10 digit die and the other is the 1 digit die. Percentages are great, everyone understands them. If you also have a D5 around you can make dice rolls fit within a likely percentile range by making some rolls only with the 10 digit, several rolls with a 5 sided or just a normal percentile roll. That way instead of things being a 1 in 20 chance with moderators you have a base 1 in 100 to work with. I'm bad at explaining this stuff, it's a basis I use to pretty much be able to improvise an rpg system while playing.

    • NoYouLogOff [he/him, they/them]
      11 months ago

      You can see all the rolls in the combat logs on the right. I think there's still some hidden stuff with enemy AC? I don't remember and I'm away from my PC for now.

      Can you go into detail about what you dislike about it? I play on the easiest difficulty, and am pretty indifferent towards it, so I'm curious about what about it can cause so much frustration. (I'm not a huge fan of actual tabletop D&D combat, I will say though.) Just the general AC system?

      • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
        11 months ago

        Hoo boy:

        1. The RNG in Baldur's Gate is the absolute worst kind of RNG. Good RNG forces players to adapt on the fly, presents them with random options and makes them do the best with what they got, bad RNG is "Press button: Heads good result, tails bad result."

        For an example of good randomness in a physical game, take drawing your opening hand in any card game. Sure, some draws are luckier than others, but that's generally dependant on the situation. You get presented with a fixed number of random tools and you have to figure out how to make the best of it, how to use what you've been given to win the game. The decisionmaking occurs after you see the hand you're dealt so you still have agency.

        For bad randomness, take dice rolls or coin flips. Doing 10 damage is strictly better than doing 3 damage. Putting your enemy to sleep is better than not doing that. This doesn't open up any kind of creative problem solving opportunities like good randomness does, it's either you win or lose depending on luck alone. The decisionmaking occurs before the random element happens, so you very well might make a "correct decision" and still get fucked because lol. I hate this because not only does it make losing more frustrating, it also makes winning less rewarding. I don't enjoy winning because I got a good dice roll.

        Baldur's Gate is exclusively the worst kind of RNG. Everything is a dice roll. Everything has better results and worse results, and it happens exclusively after you make decisions. You can play perfectly and still get absolutely fucked because of the immense variance. Similarly, every single victory has the sour aftertaste of "Well I kinda only won because RNG let me." I want to win because of the decisions I made, not because I got good dice rolls.

        1. The abilities are boring and the "spell slot" system or whatever belongs in a museum, never to be seen outside of one again. Just implement a real resource management system for the love of god. Implement a fucking mana bar. Implement secondary resources like Rage or Faith or Arcane Power or whatever, steal from WoW, make it so your weak moves build up to your strong moves within any given battle, just make it even a little bit dynamic. There is no weight to anything I do, my coolest, specialest "Once Per Long Rest" moves feel just as boring as my standard main hand attack because they're all just varying degrees of "Roll some dice and deal anywhere between 0-50 damage".

        2. I have no idea what the enemies do, why they can attack twice per turn sometimes while I can't, what the hell their stats, weaknesses or resistances are. It's completely arbitrary, things just kinda happen. Just fought the duegar on that one sailboat in the Underdark, apparently they can mind control me, apparently they can shoot twice, apparently their arrows are just better than the ones I have because they do twice my damage. That's not in itself an issue, the issue is that I have no idea why they do more damage than me, how I can stop them from mind controlling me or why they can shoot twice. Am I underleveled? Undergeared? Should I have shields to protect me from arrows?

        The overarching issue is that everything feels completely arbitrary. Everything just does random shit at any given moment, there is no predicting or planning ahead. I want to understand the game, I want to understand when I've made a mistake, I want to know what I did wrong when I lose but Baldur's Gate twists everything into a blur of "I got fucked by dice rolls" and "What? Why can they do that?". Did I misplay? Did I get unlucky? Am I not supposed to be here yet? I want to learn from my mistakes but this game won't fucking let me. I still don't know why some enemies can shoot twice, under what circumstances or conditions. I don't know how to ensure that my attacks will land. I don't know why my enemies do more damage than me. Everything just kinda happens and all I can say is "Ah, yeah, okay, sure, whatever."

        I've given up trying to enjoy it. I want to strategize, I want to anticipate the next few turns, but this game simply does not want me to. It simply wants me to press one button at a time and just turn my fucking brain off as I hand Jesus the wheel.

        • NoYouLogOff [he/him, they/them]
          11 months ago

          Oh yeah, I can definitely see that now. Seeing damage as a large range is definitely a demerit, I would much rather have a narrower range of damage like the newer XCOMs (which I also play on easier difficulties, so my experiences are definitely more on the casual side) as a random example. Every enemy can be examined, which tells you at least their elemental and damage type resistances, but no one is doing every time and class mechanics are weird if you don't know the system (D&D) which I only somewhat do. And there's stuff I remember from the tabletop that I felt weren't explained intuitively like proficiencies and attribute bonuses to damage and hit chances, and of course fucking advantage and disadvantage.

          Long story short, I can definitely see how BG3 can rely on D&D knowledge to an annoying degree, if you keep to it I would suggest using examine to help out.

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Everything else about the game is A+ but the battles are legit F-tier, so infuriatingly arbitrary I think my dog could come up with better design.

      100% agree, my first playthrough was just a really awful time with battles, half because the combat system just isn't really that great compared to other turn-based games I play, and half because I had never been exposed to the DnD combat system and it's either explained poorly or not at all ingame so I had no idea what I was doing for the first 30 hours or so at least. Even by the end of the game, there were several mechanics that I just didn't know precisely how they worked and was just like "Yeah, sure, increase my fucking spell save DC or whatever because number go up I guess, must be good"

      It really soured me on future playthroughs for a while. I put my apprehension behind me and then did a playthrough with 3 friends on Tactician and had a significantly better time for a variety of reasons, such as that they did know how DnD worked, they knew how to make decent builds, and the mere fact of only having 1 character to manage instead of 4 makes it much less hassle to do... basically everything.

      But even after finishing that, I still have a fundamental dislike of the combat system. RNG-based bullshit aside - and that is an extremely frustrating factor indeed - it also feels very much like there's just a few skills and spells and shit that are just really good most of the time and can trivialize fights (Hold Person for example) and until you learn what those good skills are, you're actively gimping yourself by using awful skills that nonetheless you want to use because they're cool and add tactics and shit. This isn't unique to BG3 obviously, but there are numerous games out there where even a "bad" build/weapon is still extremely capable of beating enemies and bosses as long as you aren't putting square pegs into round holes and leveling straight dex on a str weapon or similar.

      I've seen a few of those videos around where it explains how to do amazing damage on a class but it's always like "Go 7 Fighter, 2 Cleric, 1 Barbarian, 1 Warlock, 1 Druid (don't actually do this lol). Then put these extremely specific pieces of gear on and these specific spells/skills. Then do this specific quest that gives you a permanent stat boost and choose the correct option out of 5 potential and seemingly equally good options that don't lead to that same buff. Then wait until Mercury is in retrograde and the Moon is a waxing crescent, and ta-da, you can do absolutely amazing damage!!!" Like no fucking shit, this is just metagaming, but I have no way of knowing any of the above is good unless I look up everything in advance to know where it is and I just wanna play a simple fucking Fighter and why do I need all this shit that's in Act 3, but my current build which I thought was going relatively well actually fucking sucks for some reason so maybe I have to do these hyperspecific builds just to play the game at a basic level, idk