    8 months ago

    Yay China. Say... isn't this the same country that turns out 68% of the world's air pollution?

    What have they done about that?

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      8 months ago

      They've done a lot about that, like becoming the global leader in pretty much every renewable sector as well as nuclear. Also, worth mentioning that smooth brained liberals have all their stuff produced in China. It's absolute idiocy to bleat about pollution without considering where consumption is happening. Per capita energy usage in China is far lower than in the west.

        8 months ago

        "It's not our fault, we just produce cheap goods, the pollution is the fault of the people buying the goods"

        If your products are cheap because you're polluting, you are the problem. If you weren't polluting, your products wouldn't be as cheap. If your products weren't as cheap, they wouldn't be competitive on the capitalist market. If they weren't competitive, they wouldn't be bought.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          8 months ago

          The demand comes from people consuming the goods. I'm sorry you lack intellectual capacity to wrap your head around this concept.

            8 months ago

            I'm sorry that you expect each unknowing consumer to have the intellectual capacity to understand the geopolitical consequences of each product they by based on the environmental damage and human rights violations during its production.

            It's almost like you're the fool for expecting such a flawed system to work. Saying, "well, you paid me to do it!" does not absolve you of guilt.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              8 months ago

              That's a nice straw man there buddy. I never said anything of the sort. It's the capitalist system in the west that's responsible for creating western lifestyle and the consumption that goes along with it. Nowhere did I say that I expected this system to work either. Keep trying there.

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              8 months ago

              It's wild how people use anticapitalist arguments to attack opponents of neoliberalism

        • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
          8 months ago

          China produces less pollution then most western countries while also doing all their manufacturing, you racist cretin.

    • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      wow lemmy is full of liberals

      Ya think maybe producing most of the world's shit has anything to do with that pollution, buddy? Like wow the west outsourced most of its manufacturing to China, no fucking shit it's going to produce more pollution. What's their per capita #s look like, frienderino?

    • CascadeOfLight [he/him]
      8 months ago

      So far this year China has added more solar capacity than the US in its entire history

        7 months ago

        Yes, and still the air in China's major cities and regions can be cut with a knife on a bad day. And you're right - the U.S.'s 'green' push came to a screeching halt most places when oil and gas and coal said "fuck this shit - y'all can't have that green stuff" ... and here we are; some states even penalizing criminally being "off the grid".

        Those fuckers are not going to go quietly. Don't blame the common people of the country because of corporations running governments passing laws for corporations.

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      8 months ago


      In 2021, China, the United States, the EU27, India, Russia and Japan remained the world’s largest CO2 emitters. Together they account for 49.2% of global population, 62.4% of global Gross Domestic Product, 66.4% of global fossil fuel consumption and 67.8% of global fossil CO2 emissions.

      Unless China annexed the US, the EU, India, Russia, and Japan and I just haven't gotten the memo yet...


        • Moss [they/them]
          7 months ago

          Very interesting strategy you're taking with your argument. Lying, getting called out on your lies, and then saying you don't care is sure to make you look very smart

            • Moss [they/them]
              7 months ago

              What are you talking about lmao, I haven't answered any questions because you haven't asked me any

      8 months ago

      In terms of particulates? China's really cleaned that up in recent years.

      But, well, China doesn't have massive piles of natural gas it can burn instead of coal. Coal is notoriously dirty.

      8 months ago

      Yes. And the same country that produces all the shit we order from them. So is it their pollution or ours?