• EpicKebabEater [he/him, it/its]
    8 months ago

    Maybe this is because my expectations were in the negatives but it wasn't that bad. He had to keep condemning Hamas but also called for a ceasefire and showed clips of Palestinians talking about their situation. My big complaints is that he should've completely dropped the "humor" this episode and should've actually explained Israel is an apartheid state instead of vaguely gesturing towards it.

    • Zodiark [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Calling Israel an apartheid state would have triggered response against him and labeled as an anti-Semite.

      This episode is a half-measure, and suggests the problem of Israel is the right-wing government led by Netenyahu and Likud - with Hamas as their mirror - and not something endemic to settler colonial states seeking displacement of Palestinians from the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel's interior borders.

      John Oliver at the very least does scold world leaders for letting this carnage continue by avoiding pressure of ceasefire.