• robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
    8 months ago

    there's a limit to how hard you want to break anyway, so it's not like unbounded strength would be an advantage even if trans women had superpowers

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      8 months ago

      You want the balls to stay on the table, maximum power to break the balls up as much as possible is more friendly game strat anyway. If you're playing to win keeping some degree of grouping can make things harder for your opponent if you don't sink off the break, which isn't something to rely on.

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        You want the balls to stay on the table, maximum power to break the balls up as much as possible is more friendly game strat anyway.

        Well when you put it that way it's obvious how trans players have an unfair advantage! We know all about breaking the balls.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          8 months ago

          Italians should be especially banned then. "Why you always gotta be breakin' my balls?" tony-cheer