A tel or tell is a hill or mound created when a human city or town exists in the same place for centuries or millenia. It is formed from trash, rubble, old buildings, and accumulated detritus. Over long periods of time so much crap accumulates that an actual hill forms. As old buildings are replaced they are built on top of the previous generation of buildings, and so forth. Eventually a noticeable tel forms.
A tel or tell is a hill or mound created when a human city or town exists in the same place for centuries or millenia. It is formed from trash, rubble, old buildings, and accumulated detritus. Over long periods of time so much crap accumulates that an actual hill forms. As old buildings are replaced they are built on top of the previous generation of buildings, and so forth. Eventually a noticeable tel forms.
shit hill aviv
: )
Alternately; Landfill Aviv
This is neat. Wish I could see the mutant cockroach cities built on the microplastic tells near my city in the future.
Oh yeah but israel suxks and the telvanni are racists so they're basically elf israelis