food and shelter please

  • mar_k [he/him]
    7 months ago

    bro they're calling him a genocidal warmonger on every corner of tiktok they don't give a single fuck about your shitty meme. do liberals think college kids are fucking stupid?

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      7 months ago

      do liberals think college kids are fucking stupid?

      Lanyard liberals are convinced that they are the Adults In The Room that Make The Hard Decisions and Get Shit Done, just like in their treats. Anyone that disagrees with their position must not be an Adult In The Room that Makes The Hard Decisions and Gets Shit Done. smuglord

      • mar_k [he/him]
        7 months ago

        he got elected on lesser evilism and people naively hoping for a few good things like student debt relief

        Also the ice cream meme was a gen x/boomer thing and Trump was the always the candidate with more personality and meme material