I do this by default when trying to establish relationships with people and my track record is not good.

Though believe it or not, sometimes it does not turn people away!

  • CetaceanPosadist
    8 months ago

    i don't know but the weird thing is when i stopped doing it i'm so distant and bland my track record is even worse than when i came on too strong

    which sounds like something somebody with trauma would say so i'm going with a firm probably

    • HamManBad [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Part of the problem is that you could do everything exactly right without any trauma responses and it's still miserable to try and establish adult friendships

      • kristina [she/her]
        8 months ago

        Maybe this is a cis thing, I feel like I'm instant friends and have known each other for years with other trans people