What a great movie

Obligatory ukkk

Great story about revolution that made me think a lot about what's going on in Palestine, with the IRA hitting military targets and the Brits doing violence against civilians as retaliation. It makes sense that the brother who joined the free state was the one who protected the landlord earlier in the film. He's all like "if we don't defend the free state then the British will come back" and it's like motherfucker you swore an oath to the king! You are the fucking British now

  • Vncredleader
    10 months ago

    What's sad is we can never know how committed or opposed many figures would've been to socialism or social democracy. On both sides major figures like Collins and Cathal Brugha died tragically in the Civil War. We can guess based on their statements how much of the original Sinn Fein Programme they would've thrown out in time, but many of the arguments are based on a reflexive "no they never would be dirty commies" when the implication of even socdem stuff is mentioned.

    The socialist movement also had to make itself part of the national revolution, it couldn't lead it or separate itself from it. Lenin himself strongly agrees with that assessment for ireland specifically. That was part of what Connolly meant when he said the Union Jack could be removed but without real revolution Ireland would remain imprisoned. The militant nationalist movement, despite its varied beliefs, was beneficial to the labor movement and both shared the mortal enemy of not the British but the Irish reformists.

    the British managed to get parts of Sinn Fein to buy into a form of Home Rule and sell it to the population. The exact thing Connolly warns about years prior, that reformist nationalists and less nationalist inclined labor party members would fall for.