• BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    7 months ago

    You left out the best part?

    I'm all for small government, but I'm realizing I'm not for NO government. Having some shared land we can all use as we wish is good. Having areas set aside for public use is good. this side of the mountain is for off-roading (and no you dont need a license plate), this other side is for hiking and camping

    I hate a lot of WA state's ultra liberal policies and high taxes. But I also feel I had more freedom there in many ways.

    Maybe I don't actually like what I've always advocated for after all...


    Edit: 3 days later I got banned from this sub over this post. Freedom lovers my ass. This is place is run by ashamed right-wingers.

    If I want to be charitable this even sounds like someone that is more lost on the sea of ideological garbage of the internet i.e no access to anyone or anything that would educate them towards socialism or even the obvious critiques of capitalism so they defaulted to the standard American ideals until it personaly affected them, then they realized "wait this doesn't quite make sense". They could be saved if they were lucky to have someone waste time educating them, but most likely just become a conventional lib instead.

    • the_kid
      7 months ago

      this person's politics are mine when I was like 12. "oh Ron Paul wants to legalize drugs and doesn't want any more wars, I guess I'm a libertarian"

      • beef_curds [she/her]
        7 months ago

        Yeah, I feel like "libertarian" is just vibes-based for dudes of a certain age, and not really an ideology. Like "centrist" it's a way of signalling to each other that they stand above politics, and don't get involved in the petty bickering of people who care about things.

        When the rubber hits the road, and they start interacting with the world, they'll settle into their actual politics. Usually it'll break toward resentment-based fashy stuff, like "centrists," because the vibe coming from a place of "I'm better than that," to begin with. But it can go the other way too if it's coming from where you were at, or if they start being personally affected/targeted by their allies.

        • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
          7 months ago

          Yeah, I feel like "libertarian" is just vibes-based for dudes of a certain age, and not really an ideology. Like "centrist" it's a way of signalling to each other that they stand above politics, and don't get involved in the petty bickering of people who care about things.

          I think this was through intentional propaganda: stuff like framing that stupid political compass as two Freedom - Authoritarian axes and South Park's detached contrarianism. The end goal is to get these people to vote for conservative causes and convert some of them to ancaptain ideology.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        7 months ago

        and doesn't want any more wars

        "But unlimited violence in retaliation for a kid stealing a candy bar is cool and good DAE Non-Aggression Principle amirite?" morshupls

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      7 months ago

      They found out that American "libertarians" are just Republicans except they want weed to be legal. There's a reason why the Cato Institute, the Libertarian Party and other garbage institutions are funded by the Kochs and other powerful figures: because they pose no threat to the establishment and having a fake third party around is useful.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        7 months ago

        They found out that American "libertarians" are just Republicans except they want weed to be legal. There's a reason why the Cato Institute, the Libertarian Party and other garbage institutions are funded by the Kochs and other powerful figures: because they pose no threat to the establishment and having a fake third party around is useful.

        That's the same reason billionaire vampires fund so-called "grey tribe" techbro cults like "MIRI." All those pretenses of being not right wing and they're #1 with right wingers.

    • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
      7 months ago

      (and no you dont need a license plate)


    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      7 months ago


      This is place is run by ashamed right-wingers.


      We are all right wingers but some are even more dishonest.