Both in the macro and at the micro scale, Genshin Impact is about communism. so we all know how in genshin impact there are archons, gods that are appointed by celestia that rule the 7 nations that currently exist, and there are civilizations long gone. So far we have discovered two celestial nails that wiped out the civilization at dragonspine and the other civilization. we know that the nations that were wiped out were advancing far beyond their capabilities, and potentially looked to usurp celestia's throne. so my theory is that they were smitten by celestia (america) because they were communist. also khaenriah is the biggest example of this, but this is obvious, which is why i did not bring it up until half way into my memerant. additionally, as the traveler we are the witness that can record information even as we go through samsara, which is what i would call Marx and Communists et al. as we saw through the lies of the dominant class to attain class consciousness no matter the point in time during our world's cycle. also in the latest archon quest (spoiler alert for masquerade of the guilty AQ) we learn that focalors was cursed by celestia, so she hid herself and used furina to take over her role as an archon, until she sacrificed herself to stand up to celestia. this is reminiscent of how china is playing with the bourgeoissie in their country to pretend they are capatilism. (end spoiler) also also also we know that there were old old civilizations like the seven sovereigns that existed in what was yet to become teyvat when phanes came and killed or subdued them all representing the settler state of america. actually the world of genshin has discrete periods of time that could potentially represent the well known developments of historical materialism if i cared to stretch the truth enough.

I hope this elucidated the world of Genshin Impact and convinced you that it is Marxist. Please repost to /r/Genshin_Lore

edit fuck turns out someone did this already ironically-unironically on the actual sub 💀💀

  • What_Religion_R_They [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    The Characters

    The characters are the individuals that the Traveler meets and interacts with in the world of Genshin Impact. The characters are the most diverse and unique group, and have their own personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. The characters are also the most relatable and human group, and have their own emotions, relationships, and conflicts. The characters are the main protagonists of the game, and the main agents of the story. The characters are the micro aspect of the world of Genshin Impact, and can be seen as metaphors for the real-world class struggle.

    The characters are divided into two main categories: the playable characters and the non-playable characters. The playable characters are the ones that the Traveler can recruit and use in combat and exploration. The playable characters are also the ones that have visions, which grant them elemental powers. The non-playable characters are the ones that the Traveler can talk to and interact with, but not use in combat and exploration. The non-playable characters are also the ones that do not have visions, and are therefore powerless in the world of Teyvat.

    The playable characters are a complex group, and can be seen as both allies and enemies of the proletariat. On one hand, they are allies, as they have shown friendship and loyalty to the Traveler, and have helped them in their quest to find their sibling and the truth about the world. They have also shown sympathy and compassion for the people of their nations, and have sometimes fought against the gods of Celestia and the archons. For example, Diluc is a vigilante who protects Mondstadt from the corruption of the nobles and the Fatui. Ningguang is a businesswoman who supports Liyue’s economy and defends it from the Fatui’s invasion. Kazuha is a wanderer who opposes the Electro Archon’s vision hunt decree and aids the Resistance. The playable characters are also the ones who have the most potential to change the world, as they have visions, which are symbols of their ambition and will.

    On the other hand, the playable characters are also enemies, as they are still part of the system that exploits and oppresses the people. They are still subordinate to the gods of Celestia and the archons, and have to follow their orders and rules. They are also still the privileged class of their nations, and have the power to influence and manipulate the people. For example, Diluc is a noble who owns the Dawn Winery and has a lot of wealth and influence. Ningguang is a Qixing who controls the Jade Chamber and has a lot of power and authority. Kazuha is a vision holder who is hunted by the Shogunate and has a lot of danger and responsibility. The playable characters are also the ones who have the most risk to lose their visions, which are also symbols of their vulnerability and dependence.

    The playable characters are therefore a complex group, and can be seen as both the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. They are the bourgeoisie, as they are the owners of the means of production, such as the visions, the weapons, and the skills. They are also the proletariat, as they are the workers who sell their labor for the Traveler, the gods of Celestia, and the archons. The playable characters are the potential heroes of the communist revolution, but also the potential villains of the communist revolution.

    The non-playable characters are a simple group, and can be seen as the allies of the proletariat. They are the allies, as they have shown kindness and gratitude to the Traveler, and have helped them in their quest to find their sibling and the truth about the world. They have also shown courage and resilience in the face of the hardships and challenges of their lives, and have sometimes resisted the gods of Celestia and the archons. For example, Timmie is a child who loves pigeons and wants to find his father. Hu Tao is a funeral director who honors the dead and mocks the gods. Ayaka is a princess who serves the Electro Archon but also supports the people. The non-playable characters are also the ones who have the most need to change the world, as they do not have visions, which are symbols of their powerlessness and hopelessness. They can also be the proletariat, as they are the workers who sell their labor for the playable characters, the gods of Celestia, and the archons. They are also the oppressed, as they suffer from the exploitation, oppression, and alienation of the playable characters, the gods of Celestia, and the archons. The non-playable characters are the potential victims of the communist revolution, but also the potential beneficiaries of the communist revolution.

    The characters are therefore a diverse and unique group, and can be seen as both the oppressed and the oppressors, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, the heroes and the villains, the agents and the victims of the communist revolution.


    In conclusion, the world of Genshin Impact is a rich and complex one, that can be analyzed from a Marxist perspective. The game shows how the history of humanity is the struggle between two socioeconomic classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The game also shows how the bourgeoisie exploit, oppress, and alienate the proletariat, creating a system of inequality, injustice, and misery. The game also shows how the proletariat have the potential to overthrow the bourgeoisie and create a classless society, where the means of production are owned and controlled by the workers themselves. This is the ultimate goal of communism, a political and economic system that aims to abolish class divisions and create a free and equal society.

    The game also reflects and critiques the current state of the world, especially China, where the game was developed. The game shows how China is a country that has undergone a rapid and dramatic transformation, from a feudal and imperial society, to a socialist and revolutionary society, to a capitalist and globalized society. The game shows how China is a country that has experienced the benefits and the costs of this transformation, such as economic growth and social development, but also environmental degradation and human rights violations. The game shows how China is a country that faces the challenges and the opportunities of this transformation, such as maintaining its sovereignty and identity, but also engaging with the world and the future. The game shows how China is a big country, full of many Chinese.

    The game also invites and challenges the players to think and act critically, creatively, and communally, in the world of Genshin Impact and in the real world. The game invites the players to think critically, by presenting them with a world that is full of mysteries and secrets, and by asking them to question and investigate everything they see and hear. The game invites the players to act creatively, by giving them a world that is full of possibilities and opportunities, and by allowing them to explore and experiment with everything they find and use. The game invites the players to act communally, by giving them a world that is full of people and stories, and by encouraging them to interact and cooperate with everyone they meet and join. The game challenges the players to think and act critically, creatively, and communally, by presenting them with a world that is full of conflicts and dilemmas, and by asking them to choose and decide what they believe and do.

    The game is therefore a masterpiece of art and entertainment abstracting and encompassing our life into a stylized game, but also a scathing critique of our real world. The game is a game, but also a lesson. The game is a lesson, but also a game. The game is a game and a lesson, and a lesson and a game. The game is Genshin Impact, and Genshin Impact is the game.