
Via reddit...

I googled it for you, and I found an old guitar magazine article that says this:

'Its eerie intro consists of Denis’ guitar processed into cut-up staccato blips by a Yamaha SPX90 with its noise gate engaged. “I just went crazy scratching the chords very fast,” he explains. “I was trying to simulate what the keyboard did on Pink Floyd’s album.”'

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    7 months ago


    I also posted at reddit. Twice to avoid frustration. One of my posts was removed by a bot for "link dropping". Huge reddit subs are the worst. Bots tell you to read the rules. But the rule I broke isn't even mentioned so how can I be certain the bot won't remove my post again or an annoying mod won't remove it because I didn't obey the fucking spirit of the rules?

    Anyway - the largest reddit guitar subs are a trip. Nobody seems to actually play there. They are only there to dream.

    • happyandhappy [she/her]
      7 months ago

      i love music forums but most people are absolute dorks about it online. my dream would be to have a communist music forum with the depth and engagement you can find in niche music forums, but not cringe. definitely like post here if you have more topics of discussion lol

      • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
        7 months ago

        If you're curious - somebody at reddit gave me a great answer and I put it in the self text.

        post here if you have more topics of discussion lol

        I certainly will. I'll have questions again.

        • happyandhappy [she/her]
          7 months ago

          that makes sense i was gonna say that really theres a lot of ways to cut it up like that but if you were gonna play it through a guitar a harsh (square) tremolo would be how to do it