I want a phone where I can't go on the internet or read the news, just communicate with people I actually know in real life. Is there any way I can make this happen?

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    7 months ago

    You want a dumbphone - of which your options are going to be like phones that specifically lack browsing/internet features like Tracphones or Nokia phones. (Another alternative is like the Sunbeam F1 or various Japanese dumbphones)

    Alternatively, you could just buy a cheap Android phone and use ADB to remove those features (like the built-in browser and wifi) you don't want.

    reddit-logo link but the subreddit for dumbphones is an excellent resource: https://old.reddit.com/r/dumbphones/comments/zpw77o/state_of_the_dumbphone_2023_read_this_first/