Huawei and SMIC quietly rolled out a new Kirin 9000C processor.

Chinese foundry SMIC may have broken the 5nm process barrier, as evidenced by a new Huawei laptop listed with an advanced chip with 5nm manufacturing tech — a feat previously thought impossible due to U.S sanctions.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    7 months ago

    It's amazing how willing the US government is to do this, it would be very rough for the national governments if they just banned the import of these things in order to develop their own productive capacity. Xi and Putin should send Biden thank-you cards for helping them out so much.

      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
        7 months ago

        It's really hilarious how much the old ghouls who were part of the creation of this new world order are aware that the absolute midwit shitbirds running the show today are tearing it down without meaning to. Mearsheimer is similar in being a real ghoul who can tell the dummies in charge now are doing imperialism wrong, and I get great enjoyment out of it.