Every chud in my life is obsessed with someone breaking into their house and the situation being resolved with the discharge of a firearm. And these are people living in low crime areas out in the suburbs, with no pedestrians. It's frustrating to talk with these people since their whole worldview is a racist panic over some imagined brown interloper invading their white fortresses.

One of my coworkers tells me he always pulls out his Glock to check the corners when he comes home in the evening. Another has a CCTV system and an AR15 by his bed. I personally don't own a gun anymore because I don't trust myself with one, and chuds will ask me what I'll do if some mentally unwell person high on amphetamines decided to enter my apartment. I guess I'd leave or call an ambulance? It seems so unlikely of a scenario that even if I had a firearm I probably wouldn't use it right, or even register this person as a threat quickly enough to do a John Wick style takedown.

How many home invasions are actually stopped this way? Do chuds all think they're Robocop?

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    10 months ago

    I do have a home invasion plan, but it's mostly a really bright flashlight and telling people "Hey we don't call the cops here but please don't break my stuff". I do need to re-up my pepper spray, though. It's past it's sell by.

    Folks are much, much more likely to hurt themselves in a firearms accident than they are to ever stop a home invasion with a gun. And in almost every situation pepper spray is better at convincing people they don't want to be in a fight tonight than guns are.

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      Maybe I don't know the actual stats, but a home invader coming at night is either going to be a scared amateur teenager or someone with a mental illness who is lost and confused. That's what my gut tells me at least. Both of those cases seem like I could handle them by just yelling, then calling a paramedic if it's someone on a bad trip. Experienced burglars are gonna wait until the house is empty before breaking in, right?

      And people breaking in random houses just to murder the occupants seems so bizarrely unlikely to me. I'm an American so much more likely to die in a mass shooting at a Walmart, not my own home.

      Also you're right. Do not call the cops, ever. Fuck cops.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        9 months ago

        Experienced burglars are gonna wait until the house is empty before breaking in, right?

        I think so. I don't really know any burglars but from what I've read most burglars who are at all competent pull a van up in the middle of the day, pop the door, grab whatever is obvious and valuable, and are in and out in a few minutes. idk how often random strangers breaking in to houses without a plan even happens. It's probably one of those things where most home invasions are estranged husbands and ex boyfriends, but those aren't sensational enough for the news.

        • Kestrel [comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          It's a possibility but a slim one. A friend of mine and his wife lived in a gentrified neighborhood and was home invaded by a pro in the middle of the night and held them at gunpoint while he took their shit. Really fucked them up emotionally and still working through the trauma. They ended up moving out of town as this was the last straw in a string of crime they experienced over a few years. He owns a gun now, understandably.