
    • edge [he/him]
      7 months ago

      They were for plenty of gen Xers. An early boomer having kids in their mid 20s would have made a mid to late gen X.

        • edge [he/him]
          7 months ago

          Early boomer and mid 20s are hardly edge cases. The generation is called "boomers" because of the baby boom that happened at the very beginning of the generation, and mid 20s is honestly late when it comes to boomers having kids. My grandmother had all 6 of her kids while she was the same age as or younger than I (early zoomer) am now with no kids.

          • JuryNullification [he/him]
            7 months ago

            Yeah, boomer is the largest cohort, 1946-1964. The oldest boomer having a child at 22 puts them at 1968. The oldest boomer having a child under 18 would have another boomer. It’s in no way an edge case.