• 420stalin69
    7 个月前

    Source: “intelligence agencies” that you don’t even name or provide a link to

    Evidence: it’s all been burned and so doesn’t exist. The fact the evidence doesn’t exist is proof that it’s true.

    Just google it bro

    • ex10n@lemm.ee
      7 个月前

      The 87% is from the US latest estimate of 315,000 casualties. This lines up fairly well with Ukrainian reports, as well as UK, and AUS reports. Fortunately burn pits are hard to hide from satellite imagery.

      • 420stalin69
        7 个月前

        Wait so in your concept of this war, you see the US as a disinterested neutral observer?

          • Absolute@lemmygrad.ml
            7 个月前

            Honestly understandable sometimes its the smallest thing that sets you off, could see myself doing the same

        • ex10n@lemm.ee
          7 个月前

          This really depends on the war/conflict being discussed, but generally speaking the US's global policy is to support democracy and the humane treatment of humans. Respecting this general stance, it's easy to back Ukraine in a defensive manor, protecting the sovereign control from foreign Russian aggression.

            • ex10n@lemm.ee
              7 个月前

              As in a 1 or a 0? Generally speaking quantum dynamics dictates a gray area is more in line with today's reasoning.

                • ex10n@lemm.ee
                  7 个月前

                  No need to be hostile, please refrain from the use of language, it doesn't promote thoughtful debate.

                  • Aquilae [he/him, they/them]
                    7 个月前

                    please refrain from the use of language

                    01001111 01101000 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101101 01101110 00100000 01101101 01100010

          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
            7 个月前

            Fuck, I remember you now, you're that fucker who made it like two comments into defending that ridiculous thesis a few months ago before turning around and crying to some other instance that I said something that I plainly didn't. I don't remember exactly what it was. I think I discussed the DPRK, but there was something else to it too.

            • ex10n@lemm.ee
              7 个月前

              I won't continue a discussion with someone using that type of language. Please refrain from language that does not promote thoughtful discourse.

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                7 个月前

                This is such a pathetic line from someone who cannot contradict the assumption that the US are the good guys. The only time I ever saw you change your position was when you went from going "yeah, some of those other times were bad, but they are good now!" to "the Vietnam War was in defense of democracy".

                Absolute fucking clown. I hope you're a fed because it means they are wasting some of their subversion budget paying incompetents like you.

                • ex10n@lemm.ee
                  7 个月前

                  Once again, your use of language is a disgrace to meaningful debate. Please learn some civility in dealing with these matters, it'll pay out dividends down the road.

                  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                    7 个月前

                    Your fetishism of PG speech to defend the bloodiest empire in history is a disgrace to humanity and common decency. I'll take my chances falling afoul of the tenets of your Debate God.

                    • ex10n@lemm.ee
                      7 个月前

                      I'm an atheist, there is no God. That being said, being kind and listening is important to public discourse and should be encouraged full stop.

      • 420stalin69
        7 个月前

        Link me something about these satellite images that show “burn pits”

        • ex10n@lemm.ee
          7 个月前

          Unfortunately my access to these images is limited due to the sensitive nature of the military optics involved, however in the future, the ICC will judiciate these war crimes, and the evidence will likely see public eyes.

          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
            7 个月前

            So what you're saying is that some people claim there are photos? Then the evidence isn't photos but testimony until those photos are produced

                • ex10n@lemm.ee
                  7 个月前

                  Even without those images, the documented attrocities by both Hamas and the IDF are abhorrent. Needless loss of life is terrible and should be condemned. I'm glad I live in a country that openly condemns the violence facing civilians in the region.

                  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                    7 个月前

                    You are such a fed, Jesus. My point is that Israel makes up evidence and the US regularly supports its inventions. See Joe pretending those baby pictures exist.

                    • ex10n@lemm.ee
                      7 个月前

                      Joe did not confirm these photos exist, he did acknowledge that it had been relayed to him they exist. He stands firm on trust, but verify, which is an important aspect of honing policy decisions.

                      • CloutAtlas [he/him]
                        7 个月前

                        He either misspoke or straight up lied because he said he saw the pictures, not he was told pictures exist or the picture was described to him.

                        • ex10n@lemm.ee
                          7 个月前

                          It's possible it was a result of his diagnosed stutter, he's not exactly the most eloquent speaker I'll admit, but it'd be wrong to judge someone based on a speech impediment.

                            • ex10n@lemm.ee
                              7 个月前

                              Laughing at a disability is not something you should take lightly.

                                • ex10n@lemm.ee
                                  7 个月前

                                  Excellent, I'll laugh with you! Laughter produces endorphins and may contribute to more positive input. This community is quite hostile!

                                  • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                                    7 个月前

                                    Excellent, I'll laugh with you!

                                    I hope you're laughing, cause this has to be a bit

                                    I refuse to believe you're serious and not a bit. No one could seriously talk like this let alone believe what they're saying

                                    • ex10n@lemm.ee
                                      7 个月前

                                      If you could define bit like I asked, maybe I could inform you if this equates it? I'm really just trying to get people to use reason and logic to draw conclusions and present those in public discourse. Does that match the definition?

                                        • ex10n@lemm.ee
                                          7 个月前

                                          Interesting, however you failed to define bit. Do you mean bit as in comedy sketch? If so, that's an incredibly uncommon use of the word, and furthermore wrong for this context.

                                            • ex10n@lemm.ee
                                              7 个月前

                                              Do I? There's plenty of differing definitions and you haven't provided enough context to know which one's in use here.

                                              • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                                                7 个月前

                                                You're online enough to make like half the total commemts in this thread. You know what a bit is. And may add, its a great one. You're hilarious and i love it, and i admire the commitment

                  • SexMachineStalin [comrade/them]
                    7 个月前

                    Your country has consistently threatened mine with sanctions and even military actions the second Nelson Mandela became sworn in as president, all the way to the present.

                    Also, "attrocities"
