
IDF troops find weapons concealed in incubators at Gaza hospital

IDF forces found weapons concealed in incubators inside a Gaza Strip medical center, the army revealed on Saturday, highlighting the use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes by Palestinian terrorist groups. In a statement, the IDF said recently completed, in cooperation with the Shin Bet security agency, a large-scale operation at the Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabaliya, which had been utilized by Hamas as a command and control center.

The IDF reported the apprehension of approximately 90 individuals suspected of terrorist activities, including some implicated in the October 7 massacre. A notable aspect of the operation was the IDF and Shin Bet's interrogation of hospital staff, who revealed that weapons were concealed in incubators within the NICU – incubators meant for the care of premature infants.

This led to the subsequent discovery of additional weapons, classified documents and tactical communication devices hidden in the hospital.

  • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Even if they are using the hospital as a base, does that hospital seriously not have storage areas?

      6 months ago

      Exactly, and you'd think they'd fortify areas and use those to store their weapons. Imagine being a Hamas agent and realising you put your bullets in an incubator upstairs and have run up there and check under each baby until you find the one you hid your bullets under, just so you can return to the firefight. It would be comical if it weren't so disgusting.

    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
      6 months ago

      When you go to a Palestinian hospital, it's like a Potemkin village where everybody is kinda standing around and fidgeting but not actually doing any work because if they moved any equipment, or clipboards, or opened any cabinets, guns and ammo would comically spill out of every crevice not immediately visible