• GreenTeaRedFlag [any]
    6 months ago

    I had to read this guy's think piece about torture once for school. His argument was "yeah it may be unethical and also not really work but you'd probably do it too if you had to it." Just brainworms, he needs to be put down

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      6 months ago

      I had to read this guy's think piece about torture once for school.


      The worst that happened to me is that this year - by choice - I read his very short Wikipedia page. It said he later regretted his pro torture stance. And now he's back on his bullshit.

      he needs to be put down

      When Trump was president - I saw him once on MSNBC and I'm not making this up when I say that he mentioned the importance of a word in the politics. He defined it. And he even spelled it out. I couldn't believe it. He said something like "A word that's been in a news recently is 'comity'. It means 'working together'. That's c-o-m-i-t-y..."