Yes, we have two words for empire, imperium and cesarstwo, both from latin. Their meaning in Polish are roughly the same, though imperium sounds more menacing and its more often used figuratively.
You know, your Charles. The last time you had a Chad was 198 years ago, you had a Charlesdom after WWI but did it without ever appointing any sort of Charles, which is kind of based.
Huh, Polish uses Imperium as a loanword from Latin?
Yes, we have two words for empire, imperium and cesarstwo, both from latin. Their meaning in Polish are roughly the same, though imperium sounds more menacing and its more often used figuratively.
That's what happens when you all got rid of your Chuck, and didn't bring a new Charlie in.
I have no idea what that metaphor mean.
your karól
You know, your Charles. The last time you had a Chad was 198 years ago, you had a Charlesdom after WWI but did it without ever appointing any sort of Charles, which is kind of based.