Fucking gross

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    vor 6 Monaten

    the lion witch and the wardrobe was the scene where Santa shows up to give all the children weapons.

    what the fuck this is a thing in the Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe (which I avoided as a kid just because I thought it was lame lmao)?????

    • CrispyFern [fae/faer, any]
      vor 6 Monaten

      Yeah. It's a Christian book so there's a scene where they celebrate Christmas. Santa himself shows up to give the children presents. The toddler gets a health potion and the rest of the kids get swords and axes and bows etc. To help them fight heathens or whatever.

      • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
        vor 6 Monaten

        sad-boi I was imagining Santa rolling up to a battle or something and just tossing M1 rifles out of his sack or something....