My dad was trying to get a grooming appointment for his cat something that should take all of 5 minutes over the phone, checking a calendar and penciling it it, but no gotta do it through a web portal then an app, and make sure you put in your credit card number!
ofc my dad got more and more angry as even I was messing around with this crap going over fields over and over because I put in the wrong number, ugh. Bring back simple shit please.
Debatable. I’m starting to think that Silicon Valley nerds didn’t stop to think whether they should appify everything even though they could.
Some guy 10 years ago: “You know what this toaster could use? An app. Imagine how much time you’d save by not having to press a button on the physical toaster. You’d net 3 hours of P RO D U C T I V I T Y every year!”
They do it because the apps are a much easier way to track people's activity when using their product so it saves them money on R&D (plus they can sell the data to other companies to make even more money).