Friedland (who is gay and has a small penis) isn't that surprising but John Early is like an actual actor who's actually been in stuff.

  • Rashav3rak [he/him, any]
    6 months ago

    Cole Escola was also in Search Party. He was The Twink who kidnaps Dory in whichever season it was where she got kidnapped. Who wants to talk about what an extremely fun and deeply flawed show Search Party is?

    • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
      6 months ago

      Kinda funny, looking it up now, apparently a lot of the cast of that show have decent leftist cred (for celebrities at least). Early is in the DSA and Shawkat has done a lot of pro-Palestine activism. Weird a show about annoying bougie hipsters.

      But yeah I really liked the show despite its many flaws and weirdness. Also find it weird how forgotten it is, I've met maybe two people irl who have even heard of it, it has like 1/10th the popularity of Broad City despite having similar themes, style and actors of similar fame levels.

      • AlicePraxis [any]
        6 months ago

        well the show is very explicitly about how rich people are awful and selfish and fuck up other people's lives without facing any consequences, so it's not too surprising that leftists are involved

        • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
          6 months ago

          I actually kinda disagree. One thing I found interesting about the show is almost EVERY character is an unhinged weirdo, regardless of class level. Seriously I can count the number of characters who were normal decent humans on one hand, like it was Dory's journalist ex (and even he seemed like a bit of a narcissist at time) and like... idk maybe Keith? If anything the message of the show is everyone is a maladjusted weirdo.

          • AlicePraxis [any]
            6 months ago

            that's fair, the show is hyper-fixated on human flaws to the point of being somewhat misanthropic, but "everyone is a maladjusted weirdo" is honestly a pretty accurate description real-life Americans, regardless of class. living in a capitalist society makes devils of us all

            but the show is very focused on privileged assholes who mostly interact with other privileged assholes. because the show is from the perspective of yuppie trust-fund kids, we don't see a lot of working-class people at all. Cole Escola's character being an exception of course, and that was definitely the weakest season