Typical orange site behavior but worth showing. There's a couple commenters there trying to fight against Silicon CHUD consensus but the submission got flagged and removed from the front page

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    6 months ago

    I hate this dumb shit. The idea that there's some ancient primal death battle between Jewish people and Arabs or whoever was around at the time in the Levant is awful, very effective historical revisionism. 1st century Hebrews/Jews were forced in to Exile by the fucking Romans! THE ROMANS! Who don't exist anymore! Islam, at least on paper, explicitly requires that Jewish people be respected, protected, and given a degree of legal autonomy under Muslim rule (Definitely not respected by many governments throughout history, but others took it seriously).

    • CarbonScored [any]
      6 months ago

      Pretty much all modern Israelis descend from (or are themselves) very recent European settlers with specific racial features, and not from some super ancient tribe that has maintained 'racial purity' for two millenia (as if that confers the right to someone else's home anyway).

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        6 months ago

        Word. Genetics and ethnicity in Judaism is a whole thing and part of what makes it difficult to readily define compared to many ethno-religious groups, even diaspora groups. Plus, Tays-Sachs. Plus conversion, and the way modern Judaism differs from other contemporary religions that actively proselytize for converts.